CarnetApp / CarnetNextcloud

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Share Carnet file with Nextcloud built in share system #48

Open WNYmathGuy opened 5 years ago

WNYmathGuy commented 5 years ago

I love what I'm getting out of Carnet despite it not yet having some of the features I care about in Google Keep (location and time based reminders).

I think (albeit "Dunning-Kruger effect" style), it won't be hard to add this functionality.

Almost everything in Nextcloud has the ability to share via link or other methods. View/Edit priveledges. If a Note in Carnet is just an object within the Nextcloud environment (~/Documents/QuickNote/*.sqd), it should have an ability to share it to others in a similar way from within the Carnet app. As of now any sharing of the direct file only allows downloading despite it being a beautifully enriched object.

I assume Carnet is supposed to be bigger than a subset of Nextcloud, so this type of sharing would try to allow a link shared via any method to some non-Nextcloud user to open the shared object in their mobile app (and prompt to install it if they don't have it already), or browse to the host Nextcloud users web interface if activating the link on a non-mobile device.

PhieF commented 5 years ago

I will see what I can do about this sharing feature

by the way Reminders will soon be released (only time based, though)

WNYmathGuy commented 5 years ago

by the way Reminders will soon be released (only time based, though)

I'm guessing the location-based reminders would require a user to have their PhoneTrack app activated in Nextcloud and tuned into their mobile location-based services, or a non-Nextcloud user would have to permit the app to read the GPS, and you to program for the general case of location-based services. That does sound a bit much. So maybe by August? =))

PhieF commented 5 years ago

It will depend on the time I have, because I have to look for a "real" job but yes, why not :)

Oliver-Konz commented 5 years ago

Nice app. I thought I had found a Google Keep killer, but alas without sharing it has no value to me... (A shared shopping list and other lists is THE killer app for Google Keep.)

WNYmathGuy commented 5 years ago

Nice app. I thought I had found a Google Keep killer, but alas without sharing it has no value to me... (A shared shopping list and other lists is THE killer app for Google Keep.)

@Oliver-Konz Keep didn't have sharing built in at the start. It didn't have location-based reminders either. It did have our unshared information being sorted through for ad-based invasions though.

Oliver-Konz commented 5 years ago

I really didn't want to disparage your efforts. I think Carnet looks great so far. Just for my use case (sharing notes with my wive), it isn't there yet.

ferdiga commented 5 years ago

I tried to share the note.sqd file using the available sharing function of next cloud.

nextcloud must "know" that a sqd file must be opened with Carnet instead of being downloaded.

WNYmathGuy commented 5 years ago

I tried to share the note.sqd file using the available sharing function of next cloud.

nextcloud must "know" that a sqd file must be opened with Carnet instead of being downloaded.

@ferdiga Was the person receiving the shared link using a mobile device with the app? I'm just curious. I'm not a Developer.

ferdiga commented 5 years ago

using the web client (Chrome, Safari) the file gets downloaded instead of opening it

WNYmathGuy commented 5 years ago

@ferdiga Just for fun, I tried sharing from my admin account to my persona on a mobile device. The share by link opened my nextcloud site with the note undisplayed. Tapping on the gear activated the open with tools on the phone and neither of the two choices was Carnet app that I have installed on the device. Owntracks and Sketch apps were the options available. Downloading then trying to open the *.sqd had the same effect.

PhieF commented 5 years ago


I'm still looking at a way to add the share function, but I don't think I will be able to add concurrent editing (meaning two persons editing the same note at the same time)

does it matter ?

ferdiga commented 5 years ago

I think it usually does not matter if you can't edit it. suggested work around:

it's all about to avoid to urge users to do this "manually" the "worst" solution is to download a sqd file - which nobody (?) can open

WNYmathGuy commented 5 years ago


I'm still looking at a way to add the share function, but I don't think I will be able to add concurrent editing (meaning two persons editing the same note at the same time)

does it matter ?

@PhieF I'll bet if you do the share without editing now, later you will find a way to share with edits in the future. I can see how a shared checklist might be useful to people needing to coordinate at a distance.

The LibreOffice thing for Nextcloud started out with a lock for the first to open a file had edit privileges, all others could just view. Collabora might be real-time multiple editors by now.

GRaptor commented 4 years ago

Just started using your app. It's simple and great! I would appreciate a share feature as well, any kind!!! For me: sharing and editing (but not editing at the same time) would be it!

Fyi: for a start, I use it for a simple catalog of our basement stuff. So my wife and I are using it. I didn't like the other available apps as I want to have the catalog on my hard disks only ;-) As I have an iPhone (don't like it but my company pays only that one) and my wife uses Android, I reactivated an old Android phone to do the inventory.

michuno commented 4 years ago

I'm using NC with my family and my friends. We're organizing our meetings and a cabin in the mountains. So I definitely need sharing of lists. As of beginning of January 2020 I can't see how to share Carnet lists.

lucazade commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately the missing sharing feature is a show stopper for me. It would be great to share notes with other nextcloud users!

DavidMndz commented 4 years ago

Some time ago I did some tests for the sharing by-passing the Carnet app, and it worked at the begining but not totally.

These are the steps I followed abd what I could see:

I am not sure how we can keep the versioning enabled and also using the sharing functionality. Maybe relying on the versioning of Nextcloud itself instead of creating new files and renaming the existing ones?

immanuelfodor commented 4 years ago

I'm on the brink of leaving Google Keep behind. For personal notes, the Carnet app is the perfect match, but the shared list feature (shopping, etc) is a must to make it a wife compatible solution 😃

As far as I understand, the share can't work on the file level between personal accounts, so the app must provide it somehow. Maybe storing notes in the Nextcloud DB? Or there is the Groupfolders app, could we use it for file-level sharing without losing the personal notes?

WNYmathGuy commented 4 years ago

I'm on the brink of leaving Google Keep behind. For personal notes, the Carnet app is the perfect match, but the shared list feature (shopping, etc) is a must to make it a wife compatible solution

As far as I understand, the share can't work on the file level between personal accounts, so the app must provide it somehow. Maybe storing notes in the Nextcloud DB? Or there is the Groupfolders app, could we use it for file-level sharing without losing the personal notes?

Did you try to see if the store you go to already has a shopping list app?

immanuelfodor commented 4 years ago

A self-hosted solution is always preferred, NC is already in place, and the Carnet app is also nice on Android, even the look is similar to Keep :)

There is also, for example which is a fancy wrapper over a text file that can be synced with NC. However, it needs access to the NC folder, and the next Android major version won't support access to the Android folder, so it's not future proof.

The Notes app could be used for shopping list, too, but it also doesn't support simultaneous edits ( and the main problem is that it looks way less polished for handling lists, Carnet is much better in this.

The Tasks app is also an alternative but it needs a separate DAV sync app and I couldn't figure out how to share it among multiple NC users.

There is even an NC support thread for a good shopping list app (, this is a great market opportunity for anyone to fill the void. Especially for Carnet, which is already great in many other ways, just missing the list sharing / collaborative edit feature.

Klemens2 commented 3 years ago

I thought I'd have a idea how to resolve the syncing problem (by using the same User for many persons just for Carnet on the phone) but it isn't working because syncing doesn't work from beginning.

PhieF commented 3 years ago

I will really need some time to implement this properly, don't worry I haven't forgotten it but it's still not a feature

Klemens2 commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much still working on this!

Perhaps this way to reproduce a bug: Today it did the initial sync from the NC notices to my phone (running via App-Token-Login) was running properly after restarting. But a test entry in a checklist was synced to NC but not to the phone of my wife (where Carnet is running via NC-app). Again only after restarting it was syncing.

So it seems that syncing via app isn't properly unless I restart the phones. No difference which login method.

buskjan commented 3 years ago

Sharing notes is a must for me to and so is sharing keywords (tags). By creating a folder in Documents/QuickNote, and sharing this folder, I successfully share notes. I suspect that if my wife and I would be editing a note at the same time it would create sync issues. So far this has not happened. As far as sharing keywords I haven't found any feasible solution. Sharing the keyword folder forces us to share all tags and that is not good.

valon0388 commented 3 years ago

Just adding my support for this feature. Thanks for all you do!

dave-c-vt commented 3 years ago

Just adding my support for this feature. Thanks for all you do!

totally. still relevant, and would add to the practicality of using carnet vs. google keep in a big way

Nono-m0le commented 2 years ago

count me in :)

PhieF commented 2 years ago

Currently working on a way to both share and edit collaborative notes

zilexa commented 2 years ago

Would be great if Carnet would support any webDAV server for syncing, sharing and collaborating, not just NextCloud.

xundeenergie commented 2 years ago

I just asked my collegues for exact this sharing and collaborativ editing-thing for carnet.

I have a shared shopping-list with my wife, and that's the last service from google, i need... and i want to leave google behind...

so carnet is doing exact the thing, what google keep does - except of the possibility of sharing several cards with another user.

xundeenergie commented 2 years ago

I just made a Donation via Liberapay/Stripe. Hope it helps, to enhance Carnet. :-)

lexming commented 2 years ago

A simple workaround to this issue is to directly share the .sqd file of the note in Nextcloud. By default, your notes are located in Documents/QuickNote. The receiving user will have to manually move the new .sqd in its Nextcloud home directory to their Documents/QuickNote. But once the note file is moved, Carnet will automatically detect the new shared note and show it in the application interface.

:warning: Beware that this method can potentially result in data loss in the shared note if multiple users edit the same note at the same time. Basically, in the case of simultaneous edits, the last user syncing will overwrite any new changes from other users.

L0k1l1c1ous commented 2 years ago

Can't move the .sqd file. Am I missing anything here?

azaloum90 commented 1 year ago

Any update on this? This is quite possibly the only thing this app needs and it would be perfect! Would be open to donating if that helps!


Nono-m0le commented 1 year ago

I'm still really interested in this feature ;)

xundeenergie commented 1 year ago

I'm still really interested in this feature ;)

Oh yes... me too!!!

GTP95 commented 1 year ago

Tip: for implementing note sharing, you may look at how Quick notes is doing that (read-only, but that would be OK for many use-cases already): repo

CharlesDelorme commented 1 month ago

Hi. Since Google announced the end of Keep and since this issue hasn't been update since last year, I'm just wondering if this feature is still planned (RO or RW - preferred off course) or not ? No pressure, just information. Thanks

immanuelfodor commented 1 month ago

Wait, what? End of Keep? Do you have a link? :scream:

zilexa commented 1 month ago

They are allowing you to integrate Keep notes with Google Calendar and they are adding Gemini features to Keep. Keep is definitely not EOL.

CharlesDelorme commented 1 month ago

This which I read before the update

" The concern here is that Google might consider removing reminders from Google Keep entirely. It wouldn’t be surprising considering what we saw with Google Assistant and Google Calendar. "

zilexa commented 1 month ago

@CharlesDelorme that writer just shares his own personal opinion. He does not work for nor represent Google. I fear the sky will be purple tomorrow.. with yellow spots..

xundeenergie commented 4 weeks ago

I'm hardly waiting for the propper share feature...