Title: News app
Goals: Interactive news application implemented as PWA connected to the server via websocket and working offline
Priority: normal
Short list of features:
You can install PWA news app to your phone/laptop without market, it will hold data in local db and sync on request or when you online, so you can read and write news online or offline;
User roles: journalist, editors, reader, moderator;
Journalist will add content, photos, videos without additional skills as is, after that editors can modify and prepare publications and mark them as ready for sync;
Reader will get news by synchronozation to read offline and can comment offline storing comments in local db for sync;
Moderator will review comments;
Required resources
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Time: 5 days for prototype, + 10 days for additional features (not described here for short)
Project info
Title: News app
Goals: Interactive news application implemented as PWA connected to the server via websocket and working offline
Priority: normal
Short list of features:
Required resources
Add your thoughts on the required resources: