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New admin functions for reindexing & matching #1304

Closed mdoering closed 8 months ago

mdoering commented 8 months ago

On the admin settings page there should be 2 more buttons, both POSTing to the given URL without content:

To monitor nidx matches per dataset it would be great to have a page similar to the Elastic one, called "Names Index". On that pagable & searchable table with all datasets like the one on ES but with column Matched instead of Indexed.

Thinking about it maybe its even fine to just add one more column to the ES page and call it "Dataset monitor"? For a dataset the number of matches can be retrieved with GET /dataset/{key}/matches/count

thomasstjerne commented 8 months ago

@mdoering I get 404´s when I do

mdoering commented 8 months ago

Oh, I had forgotten to deploy to dev, it was on prod only. There now

mdoering commented 8 months ago

I have renamed the component and path to /admin/datasets - hope I didnt break anything