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Regression for Rubus fruticosus L. #721

Open ahahn-gbif opened 1 month ago

ahahn-gbif commented 1 month ago

Losing the species level information (right class though)

  "count": 90887,
  "verbatim_taxonID": 119097,
  "verbatim_taxonConceptID": "null",
  "verbatim_scientificNameID": "null",
  "verbatim_kingdom": "Plantae",
  "verbatim_phylum": "null",
  "verbatim_class": "Equisetopsida",
  "verbatim_order": "Rosales",
  "verbatim_family": "Rosaceae",
  "verbatim_genus": "null",
  "verbatim_species": "null",
  "verbatim_infra": "null",
  "verbatim_rank": "Species",
  "verbatim_verbatimRank": "Species",
  "verbatim_scientificName": "Rubus fruticosus L., 1753 [nom. et typ. cons.]",
  "verbatim_generic": "null",
  "verbatim_author": "null",
  "current_kingdom": "Plantae",
  "current_phylum": "Tracheophyta",
  "current_class": "Magnoliopsida",
  "current_order": "Rosales",
  "current_family": "Rosaceae",
  "current_genus": "Rubus",
  "current_subGenus": "null",
  "current_species": "Rubus fruticosus",
  "current_scientificName": "Rubus fruticosus L.",
  "current_acceptedScientificName": "Rubus fruticosus L.",
  "proposed_kingdom": "Plantae",
  "proposed_phylum": "Tracheophyta",
  "proposed_class": "Magnoliopsida",
  "proposed_order": "Rosales",
  "proposed_family": "Rosaceae",
  "proposed_genus": "Rubus",
  "proposed_subGenus": "null",
  "proposed_species": "null",
  "proposed_scientificName": "Rubus L.",
  "proposed_acceptedScientificName": "Rubus L.",
  "debug_url": " fruticosus L., 1753 [nom. et typ. cons.]&rank=Species&strict=false",
  "_key": 9820,
  "changes": {
    "species": true,
    "scientificName": true,
    "acceptedScientificName": true
  "reviewed": true
camiplata commented 1 month ago

Matching problem the name does exist.

The name is duplicated, this may have affected affected the matching

Nevertheless the canonical name + author has only one match

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-30 a la(s) 12 30 49 p m
camiplata commented 1 month ago

ITIS tracheophyta to be blocked on the merges

camiplata commented 3 weeks ago

@mdoering how to handle a decision to block or ignore for ITIS given the latest update with the 3i dataset? do we need a specific merge decision option?