Catalyst-Circle / Catalyst-Circle-Admin-Coordination

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Create a document for NFT-based roles for CC #25

Closed sirwolcott closed 2 years ago

sirwolcott commented 2 years ago

Create a document for NFT-based roles for CC

NFT's are Non-Fungible unique identifiers or attributes identified by the Metadata in the token. They cannot be replicated and are unique to their owner and policy ID. They can live on chain as well as direct to an IPFS/host. NFT's can be paired in contracts using policy ID's, fungible tokens, oracles and wallet holders. The possibility's are endless with functions of NFT's and uses.

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stephen-rowan commented 2 years ago

Have been doing some work. Learning how to use tokens for benefit of community. Voting methods using tokens. Interested in exploring how to apply to audit, treasury and roles. - Chris

RaceSpeed commented 2 years ago

Each Role in the Cardano ecosystem can be identified to KEY NFT's, roles, and wallets. Community roles can be identified by tokens and tracking of tokens.

RaceSpeed commented 2 years ago

Use tokens for Legacy and Transparency for participants in system/catalyst. Credit and immutable proof of work for teams who deserve recognition. Compensation measures to track KPI of members.

RaceSpeed commented 2 years ago Growing pool and testing Reward token structures and pulling data passages with API's to use relays and mints. Testing lvl1 update.

RaceSpeed commented 2 years ago

VOTER Roles + Proof Of accountability + neither centralized Thanks Stephen Tevo and all for After townhall

@stephen-rowan 2

C. Pareto Efficiency Any blockchain governance system will necessarily depend on a number of decision-making procedures: individual, competing preferences have to be collected and combined into specific actions. The investigation of such processes is the focus of Social Choice Theory [27], which is an entire field of study dedicated to them. One of its crowning early achievements is the famous Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem (Arrow [28]), on voting systems where participants rank the possible candidates. Specifically, given a set of alternatives A = {a1, a2, . . . , an}, each voter i submits an ordered vector of the form ai1 ≻ ai2 ≻ . . . ≻ ain . Combining the votes should lead to an outcome preference ordering aj1 ≻ aj2 ≻ . . . ≻ ajn of the candidates that best represents the voters. Unfortunately Arrow’s Theorem states that the following natural properties cannot be satisfied at the same time: • If every voter prefers candidate X over Y, then X is ranked higher than Y in the final outcome. This property is often called unanimity. • The order of X and Y in the final outcome depends only on the ordering of X and Y in each voters preference, irrespective of how all other candidates are ordered. This is called independence of irrelevant alternatives. • There is no voter who has dictatorial control over the final outcome. Variations of this result have been adapted in many voting settings, even in cases where the voting process does not have to reveal an entire ordering of outcomes (but only to select the ‘best’ one) or when voters have cardinal preferences (i.e. they can assign numerical preference values to each candidate). Note that almost all popular voting schemes (such as approval voting, where each voter selects a set of acceptable candidates) fall under these definitions. Perhaps the most famous of those impossibility results is the Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem (Gibbard [29], Satterthwaite [30]), roughly stating that any voting scenario with more than two candidates is either dictatorial, or subject to strategic voting (i.e., voters swaying the outcome by misreporting their actual preferences. To deal with these impossibilities, the voting procedures used in practice are not required to be optimal in every scenario, but to satisfy certain weaker properties depending on the setting. One such mild property is Pareto efficiency (e.g., [31, 32]). These properties are tested assuming every voter truthfully reports their preferences. Definition 5. A blockchain governance system is Pareto efficient if whenever a decision-making process is held, alternative X cannot win if there exists another alternative Y that is preferred by at least one participant and no participant prefers X over Y. A Pareto efficient governance system would never lead to an outcome that is clearly worse than another possible outcome. This property should typically be satisfied (at least when interpreted loosely, as some blockchain systems do not have an entirely rigorous governance model), unless there is good reason not to. Evaluating whether this property is satisfied can be tricky because a blockchain governance system contains many interacting components, with the final result seldom depending on a single vote. We make our best effort to fairly evaluate how likely it is that a Pareto efficient outcome is not selected and how much worse is the selected alternative. Approval voting is of particular importance, as it is the most common voting mechanism used by the blockchains we evaluate. Given n candidates, each voter can ‘approve’ as many as they want. The winner is the candidate which was approved by most voters, often combined with a threshold, such as also requiring approval from at least 20% of them. Notice that even though the voters might have ordinal or cardinal preferences, they can only submit a binary signal for each candidate. Starting with a simple example, suppose that 2 possible incompatible blockchain updates a and b are up for election. Furthermore, suppose that every voter prefers a ≻ b. The outcome will be dictated by the threshold they chose when converting their ordinal preferences to an approval vote. Typically we would expect a to win, but b could win as well! Clearly, any truthful voter who approved b would also approve a, since a ≻ b for every voter. However, some voters might chose not to approve either of them. In this case b could win because of a tie. In fact, this is the only way an outcome of approval voting might not be Pareto efficient: if the winner is tied with the Pareto optimal candidate. This happened because the voters where completely uniformed about the preferences of each other and set their ‘approval threshold’ too high. The more information they have the less likely such an outcome becomes. A group of perfectly rational and informed voters would always produce a Pareto efficient outcome. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that there are two more ‘secret’ (implicit) options always available: to do nothing or to fork, which is to be avoided. When combined with a minimum approval threshold and some awareness on the part of the voters, the winner is most likely either Pareto efficient, a suboptimal yet highly popular alternative or a deadlock. Finally, strategic voting involves setting the threshold very high, which decreases the total number of votes and could lead to a deadlock, but is unlikely to result in a fork. We briefly discuss an alternative voting system that uses the complete ordinal preference profile called instant-runoff (IRV) voting. It proceeds in turns: • From every ballot, only the top preference is counted. • If one candidate obtains a majority, they win. • Otherwise, the least popular top preference is deleted from all ballots and the process repeats. IRV is also not Pareto efficient as a good candidate might be deleted early, if they fail to win many first choice votes. It is however remarkably resistant to strategic voting [33] while retaining some properties that approval voting lacks, such as selecting the majority winner if one exists. This makes IRV particularly appealing when the community is asked to choose between alternatives in a non-binding way. The result can be further ratified by a referendum. In some cases, IRV (and any voting system using ordinal preferences) might force the voters to inadvertently submit misleading information. For example, IRV assumes that the first and second place candidate on every ballot are separated by an equal amount, whereas some voters might be indifferent while others strongly in favour of their first choice only. Approval voting sometimes gets around this issue by asking for even less information. Ordinal preferences can be easily elicited by an auction which is undesirable for an election. A better alternative is to use an ordinal voting mechanism such as majority judgment [34] or combine approval voting with token locking: voters who feel strongly about some candidate may lock their vote tokens for longer, indicating that this election is particularly important to them.

RaceSpeed commented 2 years ago

Sad to see this closed. This would have been nice to see "Done" I will just fund the whole Ecosystem and tests myself Maybe the Circle will run with more digestible ideas like- Does Pineapple on Pizza? mindmapgov Don't worry, I will put a proposal in and you guys can let it fail like everything else. Then I will self fund it because you guys are useless in managing funds. You are lucky I am not in your meetings anymore. The greatest part about plans like this one- Everyone is too stupid or busy to steal it. Get to Work and Actually Finish things that say "DONE!"