Catalyst-Circle / Catalyst-Prioritized-Problems

The repository for Catalyst Circle Prioritized Problems
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Professional Consideration of CCv3 roles and time spent on work #74

Open dimitrifernando opened 2 years ago

dimitrifernando commented 2 years ago

I propose that an allocation of funds from the Treasury be done in consideration that CCv3 roles and time spent of 40 plus hours per month are being spent on a professional capacity. As such instead of being dependent on funded proposals to be voted on, this salary/allwoance/remuneration to be paid for each CCv3 member and for the Admin team a similarly reasonable amount based on how much time they have to allocate during the month for their work Also a retroactive payment be made for CCv2 and CCv1 members for their hard work and time spent.

Since it was agreed at our last meeting that the time effort and energy spent on solving these issues is a professional role not a voluntary one. What are the amounts that IOG or whoever handles the Treasury is willing to allocate from the Treasury for this?

dimitrifernando commented 2 years ago

As a result of this prioritized problem, I reached out to the community both one on one and via the survey. This survey showed the community's feelings regarding retroactive pay and proper remuneration and consideration of the v3 Circle reps. In spite of the strong opposition from Past circle members, I moved forward with the retroactive pay proposal which was put for voting under . Since this is now in the hands of the community and voters, I can consider this problem closed, whichever way the vote goes.