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Define the Process for CCv4 Elections #89

Open harriswarren opened 2 years ago

whitevo commented 2 years ago

Mind maps of previous processes and ideas on how to do the election.

xeeban commented 2 years ago

CC Admin team met today and we have questions about how the next election will work and when we will know details on the new process. There has been significant work required in the past to support the election from the CC Admin team. If the format or mechanisms are changing, we would like to know sooner than later as there is a lot of prep work required if we're running v4 elections the same way as v3 or with just minor changes.

EJChessher commented 2 years ago

Like to get the Circles input on having the Candidates, submit in writing or ask in online meeting, questions to the Circle about the Roles. Also, I'm concerned about Time Commitments for Candidates that may have 40 hour + week jobs, also having proposals that may get funded, being active as CA, vCA, and Challenge Teams. Sharing the Good and the Challenges of being in the Circle may be beneficial for a Candidate to know before elections.

EJChessher commented 2 years ago

In line with the Admin Team the sooner we set Timelines the better.

I thought I heard Nori say in today's TH that next week 5-18-22 they will request candidates? If this is correct we will need some type of submission form for showing interest maybe.

What Is the status of the Side Chain voting app? Is it possible to have a Special Election using the current Ideascale and current voting app? Will we still use the Forms that Describe the Candidate? The 5 min to present your platform went very fast. Maybe enough or may not. Just some thoughts... for the moment.

xeeban commented 2 years ago

Hey Joey, the call for interest was for the Admin team, not the Circle, sorry if that was confusing. We're just opening up an After Town Hall room to talk to people that are interested in being admins and answering questions and providing the next steps for people to get involved in the Admin Team.

EJChessher commented 2 years ago

Fund 9 pic

EJChessher commented 2 years ago

I recreated the Circle Functional Group Profile and placed it here for our review / modify etc. Circle Roles Functional Profile - Purpose - Scope - Responsibilities.xlsx

EJChessher commented 2 years ago

I have also uploaded the Circle Election process document from github. Catalyst Circle Election Process.docx