Cazadorsniper / PO3

Project Ozone 3
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Agricraft seeds have wrong recipe type #1697

Closed JasonBrownDeveloper closed 1 year ago

JasonBrownDeveloper commented 1 year ago

Use the search function before reporting to see if the issue has been reported before.

Pack Version: 3.4.10 Pack Mode (Normal, Titan, Kappa, Mythic): Mythic **Singleplayer, Multiplayer, or LAN?: Singleplayer

**Description: A handful of Agricraft seed recipes have the wrong crafting type. They appear as crafting table recipes but doesn't result in a successful craft. Setting up the cross-breeding according to the recipe does not work as well. I only tested the cuprosia recipe, but was unable to get it to breed with imaginary time blocks, agricraft sprinklers or mystical agriculture watering can.

**Steps to reproduce: OPen JEI look at the recipe for any of the above. Try to craft in a table or cross-breed.

Crash log (use pastebin or issue will be closed):

JasonBrownDeveloper commented 1 year ago

I looked at the recipe and it looks like the crafting recipe needs 10/10/10 seeds? I'll try that and report back.

JasonBrownDeveloper commented 1 year ago

Yeah, the recipe needed 10/10/10 seeds. The JEI move items button on the recipe was picking the right seeds I had in my inventory but they didn't have the right tags. Side note, hitting the T hotkey from Extra Utilities 2 on the seeds in the recipe keyed on any Agricraft seeds that I had, not even the specific ones I needed.