CenterForOpenScience / scrapi

A data processing pipeline that schedules and runs content harvesters, normalizes their data, and outputs that normalized data to a variety of output streams. This is part of the SHARE project, and will be used to create a free and open dataset of research (meta)data. Data collected can be explored at, and viewed at Developer docs can be viewed at
Apache License 2.0
41 stars 45 forks source link

Feature/add harvester #437

Closed kms6bn closed 8 years ago

kms6bn commented 8 years ago

added Érudit scraper

fabianvf commented 8 years ago

Looks good to me, but it looks like you committed some changes to the Erudit harvester, and you will also need to include a favicon and test response. Also, I just realized I may not have linked you to our documentation, which is here:

In particular, the creating a harvester documentation: