Centre-IRM-INT / GT-MVPA-nilearn

GT MVPA nilearn from Marseille
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Data preprocessings for MVPA analysis ? #11

Open JeanLucAnton opened 3 years ago

JeanLucAnton commented 3 years ago

Is it better to have smoothed or unsmoothed data ?

JeanLucAnton commented 3 years ago

Independance of the preprocessing between learning and test data ?

The data normalisation across the voxels (mean centering to 0 by substraction by the mean, and variance set to 1 by dividing by the variance) has to be done on the learning data. Then this normalisation has to be applied like this to the test data (without recalculating the mean and variance values).

SylvainTakerkart commented 3 years ago

it might be good to gather here all the references available in the literature about these questions (or at least some ;) ), because there are a good amount of papers on the topic!

everybody: do not hesitate to post links to papers (DOI links are the most convenient!)... this discussion thread can serve as a knowledge base that we share!

eliefabiani commented 3 years ago

Hi, I looked at papers doing MVPA-searchlight analysis in the bilingual field. Most of the papers found run the searchlight in normalized and unsmoothed data (Xu 2017 (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1603309), Van de Putte 2017 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.08.082), Lei 2014 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bandl.2014.08.009), Brignoni-Perez 2019 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bandl.2019.104725), Lu 2021 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.10.040). Normalized and unsmoothed seems to be the common preprocessing for MVPA searchlight.

SylvainTakerkart commented 3 years ago

...nothing wrong with this!

(except the waste of computation time if "normalized" implies to be at the resolution of the anat; but the waste of computation time is only a crime for planet earth, not for the nature of your scientific result, ahah ;) )

SylvainTakerkart commented 3 years ago

sorry, I thought I was replying in your other thread, Elie!

sooooooooooo, my comments:


CarolineLndl commented 3 years ago

I feel that it is better to work on the individual space (specificaly in functionnal space). Indeed, we regress our models with regressor estimated in functionnal space (motion, CompCor...) In theory it should not change much but it seems to me cleaner that everything is estimated on the same untransformed image. In addition, some toolboxes tend to resample the images to the reference image (anat or template) which doesn't bring anything to the real resolution of the func data but risks to increase the image size and the computation time drastically! Last but not least, if you decide at the end of your analysis to apply the Dartel transfo or something like that, it is still possible and you will not need to rerun all the first level analyses! I'm rather in favor of applying the coregistration on the final stat' images :)

(btw I'm completely agree that we should run MVPA as well as denoising on unsmoothed data)