Cero-Trade / CeroTrade-IREC-LATAM

Cero Trade is a decentralized platform for trading, buying, and redeeming tokenized IRECs (renewable energy certificates). It features a marketplace where users can manage their assets, redeem certificates, and list them for sale. With real-time data from the I-TRACK API, traders can make informed decisions.
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Portafolio - Get user tokens #20

Open cerotrade opened 8 months ago

cerotrade commented 8 months ago

User Story

As a user, I want to visualize the information of all my tokens, including IREC ID, energy source, country, asset ID, MWh, and Status, in order to have full information about what I own.

Acceptance Criteria


  1. Implement Token Tracking Logic:

    • Develop trackToken() method that queries the directory canister for the location of tokens owned by the user.
    • Handle the success and error paths as per the workflow.
    • Ensure method respects privacy and security regulations.
  2. Create Token Information Retrieval Function:

    • Implement fetchTokenInfo() that retrieves token details from the user's canister after successful token tracking.
    • Include error handling to manage and log failures in retrieval.
    • Parse and format the data to be ready for frontend consumption.