Cero Trade is a decentralized platform for trading, buying, and redeeming tokenized IRECs (renewable energy certificates). It features a marketplace where users can manage their assets, redeem certificates, and list them for sale. With real-time data from the I-TRACK API, traders can make informed decisions.
As a user, I want to visualize the information of all my tokens, including IREC ID, energy source, country, asset ID, MWh, and Status, in order to have full information about what I own.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] Portfolio must list all tokens with their details (IREC ID, energy source, country, asset ID, MWh, and Status).
[x] The system must handle errors gracefully and inform the user accordingly.
Implement Token Tracking Logic:
Develop trackToken() method that queries the directory canister for the location of tokens owned by the user.
Handle the success and error paths as per the workflow.
Ensure method respects privacy and security regulations.
Create Token Information Retrieval Function:
Implement fetchTokenInfo() that retrieves token details from the user's canister after successful token tracking.
Include error handling to manage and log failures in retrieval.
Parse and format the data to be ready for frontend consumption.
User Story
As a user, I want to visualize the information of all my tokens, including IREC ID, energy source, country, asset ID, MWh, and Status, in order to have full information about what I own.
Acceptance Criteria
Implement Token Tracking Logic:
method that queries the directory canister for the location of tokens owned by the user.Create Token Information Retrieval Function:
that retrieves token details from the user's canister after successful token tracking.