Chakroun-Anas / turbo-console-log

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custom "log function" does not apply on "Wrap Log Message" #227

Open titanknis opened 6 months ago

titanknis commented 6 months ago

/ I am trying to use this extention on python, so i set my settings like this : / { "turboConsoleLog.logFunction": "print", "turboConsoleLog.delimiterInsideMessage": "->", "turboConsoleLog.insertEmptyLineAfterLogMessage": true, "turboConsoleLog.insertEmptyLineBeforeLogMessage": true, "turboConsoleLog.wrapLogMessage": true / when wrapping the message it uses the "Log Type"(console.log)" instead of the "Log Function" (print)" / } / this is the result : / / console.log("🚀 -----------------------------------🚀") print("🚀 -> file: -> n:", n) console.log("🚀 -----------------------------------🚀") /

/ of course it is possible to just set {"turboConsoleLog.wrapLogMessage": false } but the extention will be even better if this could be solved /