Chaosmeister / DefinitionOfDone

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Tooltipps translations will not work for added Lines in edit mode. #10

Open RainerBielefeld opened 6 days ago

RainerBielefeld commented 6 days ago


  1. Test for existing DoD in a Task with one of the existing loclale (de_DE) » Translation for all Icons will work
  2. Click "+" in last DoD-line to add a row
    » new line appears
  3. Hover mouse pointer over "Add row" icon in this line
    • "Close Row" without translation, although translation does work for row above 😥
Chaosmeister commented 3 days ago

Can you create a pull request for your translator branch? Then I can try to reproduce it on my side.

As far as I can see, 'Close row' is not translated in your array, yet