CharlieTLe / qurinet

Data sets and scripts related to Qurinet, a wireless mesh network testbed located at the Quail Ridge Natural Reserve.
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Overhaul Network Configuration Script #16

Open DineshUCD opened 8 years ago

DineshUCD commented 8 years ago

Feature: Re-write the to properly configure the 802 LAN interfaces, and set up BSSID for users to connect to it.

Status Issue
In Progress The init_mesh_net script doesn't set up the antennas correctly. The default for the cards allows 2x2 transmit and receive chains but we have only one antenna attached to each card so our setup is only capable of 1x1. The command (for card 0) "iw phy phy0 set antenna 1 1" sets this correctly, assuming that the antenna is plugged into port 1 which most of them are but I don't guarantee is universal. This also properly limits the transmission encoding to MCS 0-7 for 802.11n.
Open The ad-hoc networks that init_mesh_net set up are hard-coded to "fixed-freq", ssid="qurinet" and bssid=22:22:22:22:22:22 even though there are different channels in use. This doesn't seem to negatively affect the performance of the network but it does make troubleshooting a little harder as radios on different channels that can't talk to one another display the same network information as if they can.

More Information: Todd says, "I don't know if your plan is to keep with the same pre-defined channels but at least I think that the ssids should be separate for the different channels. I also think that the software can determine it's own bssid and properly merge the cells so this doesn't need to be hard-coded any longer."

CharlieTLe commented 8 years ago

How's the progress of this issue going?