CheshireCC / faster-whisper-GUI

faster_whisper GUI with PySide6
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1.41k stars 84 forks source link

0.8.1爆显存,0.8.0没爆过,请教哪里的问题? #225

Open etkane opened 2 days ago

etkane commented 2 days ago

0.8.1已尝试了各种组合,看日志应该是爆显存。0.8.0版本从来没爆过,不知道哪里出了问题,今天刚升级。 日志如下:

==========2024-09-18_20:43:30========== ==========Process==========

redirect std output vad_filter : True -threshold : 0.2 -min_speech_duration_ms : 250 -max_speech_duration_s : inf -min_silence_duration_ms : 2000 -speech_pad_ms : 800 Transcribes options: -audio : ['C:/Users/bican/Desktop/temp/去电_安诚保险_95544_202409141931.m4a'] -language : zh -task : False -beam_size : 1 -best_of : 5 -patience : 1.0 -length_penalty : 1.0 -temperature : [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] -compression_ratio_threshold : 1.4 -log_prob_threshold : -10.0 -no_speech_threshold : 0.9 -condition_on_previous_text : False -initial_prompt : None -prefix : None -suppress_blank : True -suppress_tokens : [-1] -without_timestamps : False -max_initial_timestamp : 1.0 -word_timestamps : True -prepend_punctuations : "'“¿([{- -append_punctuations : "'.。,,!!??::”)]}、 -repetition_penalty : 1.0 -no_repeat_ngram_size : 0 -prompt_reset_on_temperature : 0.5 -max_new_tokens : None -chunk_length : 30.0 -clip_mode : 0 -clip_timestamps : 0 -hallucination_silence_threshold : 0.5 -hotwords : -language_detection_threshold : None -language_detection_segments : 1 create transcribe process with 1 workers start transcribe process Multiple frames in a packet. Multiple frames in a packet. Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\faster_whisper_GUI\", line 369, in run File "D:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\concurrent\", line 621, in result_iterator File "D:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\concurrent\", line 319, in _result_or_cancel File "D:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\concurrent\", line 458, in result File "D:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\concurrent\", line 403, in __get_result File "D:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\concurrent\futures\", line 58, in run File "D:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\faster_whisper_GUI\", line 279, in transcribe_file File "D:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\faster_whisper\", line 1189, in restore_speech_timestamps File "D:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\faster_whisper\", line 594, in generate_segments File "D:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\faster_whisper\", line 884, in generate_with_fallback RuntimeError: CUDA failed with error out of memory

etkane commented 2 days ago

补充,显卡是4060 ,用CPU结果还是提示RuntimeError: CUDA failed with error out of memory,很奇怪,我是先直接安装了新版本,然后删除,重新安装了新版本,安装前没有仔细看说明,需要删除老版本。。。不知是否与此有关。

etkane commented 2 days ago


lowy-git commented 1 day ago

同爆显存的路过 万幸0.80还没删

faster_whisper_GUI: 0.8.1 ==========2024-09-19_14:33:49========== ==========Start==========

current computer language region-format: zh_CN language: zh

==========2024-09-19_14:34:30========== ==========LoadModel==========

-model_size_or_path: D:/Download/Install Backup/AI/whisper-large-v3-float32
-device: cuda
-device_index: 0
-compute_type: float32
-cpu_threads: 4
-num_workers: 1
-download_root: C:/Users/lowy/.cache/huggingface/hub
-local_files_only: False
-use_v3_model: True

Load over D:/Download/Install Backup/AI/whisper-large-v3-float32 max_length: 448 num_samples_per_token: 320 time_precision: 0.02 tokens_per_second: 50 input_stride: 2

[Using V3 model, modify number of mel-filters to 128]

==========2024-09-19_14:36:12========== ==========Process==========

redirect std output vad_filter : True -threshold : 0.2 -min_speech_duration_ms : 250 -max_speech_duration_s : inf -min_silence_duration_ms : 2000 -speech_pad_ms : 800 Transcribes options: -audio : ['D:/Use now/LEL-Downloader/Download/中国大学/海上货物运输_大连海事大学/{1}--课程/{2}--第二章 包装危险货物运输/{1}--2.1 包装危险货物分类及危险性/[2.1.2]--2.1.2 第六类至第九类.mp4'] -language : zh -task : False -beam_size : 1 -best_of : 5 -patience : 1.0 -length_penalty : 1.0 -temperature : [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] -compression_ratio_threshold : 1.4 -log_prob_threshold : -10.0 -no_speech_threshold : 0.9 -condition_on_previous_text : False -initial_prompt : None -prefix : None -suppress_blank : True -suppress_tokens : [-1] -without_timestamps : False -max_initial_timestamp : 1.0 -word_timestamps : False -prepend_punctuations : "'“¿([{- -append_punctuations : "'.。,,!!??::”)]}、 -repetition_penalty : 1.0 -no_repeat_ngram_size : 0 -prompt_reset_on_temperature : 0.5 -max_new_tokens : None -chunk_length : 30.0 -clip_mode : 0 -clip_timestamps : 0 -hallucination_silence_threshold : 0.5 -hotwords : -language_detection_threshold : None -language_detection_segments : 1 create transcribe process with 1 workers start transcribe process Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\faster_whisper_GUI\", line 369, in run File "C:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\concurrent\", line 621, in result_iterator File "C:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\concurrent\", line 319, in _result_or_cancel File "C:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\concurrent\", line 458, in result File "C:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\concurrent\", line 403, in __get_result File "C:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\concurrent\futures\", line 58, in run File "C:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\faster_whisper_GUI\", line 279, in transcribe_file File "C:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\faster_whisper\", line 1189, in restore_speech_timestamps File "C:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\faster_whisper\", line 594, in generate_segments File "C:\PROGRA~2\FASTER~1\faster_whisper\", line 884, in generate_with_fallback RuntimeError: CUDA failed with error out of memory