Chicago / predicting-e-coli-concentrations

This repository is part of the working draft for an upcoming an academic paper describing the methods and results of the City of Chicago Clear Water project.
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Resubmit revisions to editor #88

Closed tomschenkjr closed 6 years ago

tomschenkjr commented 6 years ago

As we wrap-up revisions, beginning a list of a final checklist of items. Discuss remaining items in this thread. We can assign specific responsibilities as we go along.

nicklucius commented 6 years ago

I merged the PR and am able to generate the paper on the master branch. I'll double check open issues and close them as I confirm they were addressed.

tomschenkjr commented 6 years ago

@nicklucius - I've accepted #90 into dev and also opened a pull request against master (#91). Please confirm you want this on master.

Separately, I compared the tables using master branch from this repo and also the Clear-Water repo. Numbers are correctly generated.

I have not identified any other changes besides #91.

nicklucius commented 6 years ago

Reopening. It was inadvertantly autoclosed by #91.

tomschenkjr commented 6 years ago

@nicklucius - can you create a new release and attach the title page and main PDF to that release? If you look at prior releases, it had two PDFs:

nicklucius commented 6 years ago

@tomschenkjr - the release is done, now I just need to edit the letter and submit! I'll let you know once I add the letter language so you can check it out.

nicklucius commented 6 years ago

@tomschenkjr - In the resubmission process, I've noticed that the journal offers a feature to link to our data:

"In this section, you can make your research data available with your article. Sharing research data helps other researchers evaluate your findings, and increases trust in your article. Research data can include, (but is not limited to): raw data, processed data, software, algorithms, protocols, methods and materials. Please cite your research data within your article; consult your journal's Guide for Authors for instructions. If your research data is already hosted in a repository, you can link it to your article here."


I could link both repositories, but each one needs a DOI. Plus, I noticed the clear-water DOI links to an old commit. I am wondering if we should add a DOI for this repo and also do a new release and update the DOI for the Clear Water repo. Thoughts?

tomschenkjr commented 6 years ago

Good idea. Probably makes most sense to link to Clear Water. Fortunately, to update the DOI for the Clear Water repository, just create a new release and a new DOI will be created.

tomschenkjr commented 6 years ago

Here is the DOI for the paper repository (separate from the bioRxiv and Clear Water repo):

Badge: DOI

nicklucius commented 6 years ago

@tomschenkjr - excellent, thank you. I hope to have it submitted today.

nicklucius commented 6 years ago

@tomschenkjr - I'll give you the satisfaction of hitting close on this issue, since I got to click the submit button in Elsevier.