ChiefGuap / p1-DataPirates

Trimester 2 Project
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Crossover FRQ Billy/Dane #34

Open BillyCherres opened 2 years ago

BillyCherres commented 2 years ago


Feature Evalutation Score Grader
Each individual has GitHub Page, Wiki, or deployed Web Page that Highlights talking points and learnings from each FRQ Has a Wiki that guides through the FRQ's Full points Billy
Each Individual has their own set of FRQs running under one page or menu Individual has a link to each FRQ on Replit nah frq's are all in different places Billy
Each Individual has a GitHub of source for every FRQ that is integrated with Deployed Java/Spring or Replit Individual has replit embeded on github project GitHub source Billy
At least 2 FRQs with input and output 2 frq's with input doesn't have 2 frq's with input Billy


Crossover Grading: 9/9

  • 1 minute video
  • FRQ location in deployed website
  • Replit
  • wiki
  • frq Github Source
  • FRQ's with input
  • frq 6
  • frq 10
  • Feature Evaluation Score Grader
    Each individual has GitHub Page, Wiki, or deployed Web Page that Highlights talking points and learnings from each FRQ Has a Wiki that guides through the FRQ's Full points Dane
    Each Individual has their own set of FRQs running under one page or menu Individual has a link to each FRQ on Replit Full points Dane
    Each Individual has a GitHub of source for every FRQ that is integrated with Deployed Java/Spring or Replit Individual has replit embeded on github project and has a seperate github repository containing all FRQ's Full points Dane
    At least 2 FRQs with input and output FRQ 6 and FRQ 10 with user input Full Points Dane
    BillyCherres commented 2 years ago

    Billy's Frq Comparison and Reflection

    Billy frq's Dane frq's Comparison
    Frq 5a Frq 5a We both printed out frq 5 with no user input. Both of our frqs run but print out different sentneces. Although both sentences are adresses. The college board question is very straight forward which is why our code looks pretty similar but its not the same. I imported java.util stuff and had different variables
    Frq 6 Frq 6 We both printed out "ing" words. The difference between mine and the difference between his was that I had user input for my FRQ 6 and he did not.
    Frq 2 Frq 2 Both Frq's are working with the light sequence . My frq is printing out the light sequence. Dane's frq is not printing out a light sequence. That is the difference between both of our frqs.

    Dane's Frq Comparison and Reflection

    Dane frq's Billy frq's Comparison
    Frq # Frq # Title
    Frq # Frq # Title
    Frq # Frq # Title
    BillyCherres commented 2 years ago

    Prepare for live grading...

    Each present highlights of Individual work, Crossover analysis, and reflection.
    Share FRQ final product this should include GitHub Pages or Wiki that guides user through FRQ experience Easy to execute runtime: one location, one menu, easy to run each FRQ Easy to find/associate GitHub source to each FRQ 1 minute video recommended to show your FRQs quickly