ChrisChen1023 / HINT

HINT: High-quality INpainting Transformer with Enhanced Attention and Mask-aware Encoding
MIT License
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Open Marm7 opened 2 weeks ago

Marm7 commented 2 weeks ago


图一最后一行是我的复现结果 image

同时,我也测试了MISF在敦煌数据集的指标(图二),同样与图一有很大差距 image


所以我想请问一下,是否我有没注意到的设置或操作导致结果产生了偏差 期待回复!Thanks!!

ChrisChen1023 commented 2 weeks ago


The issue happens to me before. But the reason could be different. You may wish to check the image size (after dataloder). Also, for dunhuang dataset, the mask threshold need to be 100, which is followed by MISF.

Marm7 commented 2 weeks ago

感谢您的回复,我dataloder后的size均保持在256*256。将mask threshold设置为了100,得到的指标与论文中的更加接近,但也似乎仍在允许的误差之外 image

ChrisChen1023 commented 6 days ago


This issue does not happen to me. You could check are the images cropped before the dataloader. Others I guess it might be because of the environment setting.