ChrisWu1997 / 2D-Motion-Retargeting

PyTorch implementation for our paper Learning Character-Agnostic Motion for Motion Retargeting in 2D, SIGGRAPH 2019
MIT License
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Error with custom JSON keypoints extracted from openpose #19

Closed chuanenlin closed 4 years ago

chuanenlin commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for the interesting work and code.

I tried extracting skeleton keypoints from OpenPose (JSON files) then ran: python --model_path ./model/pretrained_full.pth -v1 ./examples/video1 -v2 ./examples/video2 -h1 720 -w1 720 -h2 720 -w2 720 -o ./outputs/interpolate-demo-custom.mp4 --keep_attr body --form matrix --nr_sample 5 --max_length 120

The following is the error I got: RuntimeError: invalid argument 4: Padding size should be less than the corresponding input dimension, but got: padding (3, 3) at dimension 2 of input [1 x 30 x 2] at c:\programdata\miniconda3\conda-bld\pytorch_1533090623466\work\aten\src\thcunn\generic/

Any idea why? Thanks!

ChrisWu1997 commented 4 years ago

Hi, it seems that your input has only two frames ([1 x 30 x 2]). This is too short for the network which uses nn.ReflectionPad1d with pad size 3. nn.ReflectionPad1d requires input length to be longer than pad size. So it's better to use a longer video.

chuanenlin commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply! Using a video with more frames worked. May I also ask what performance cloning technique was used for the retargeting example? Would love to try out its performance with your great work. Thanks!

ChrisWu1997 commented 4 years ago

For performance cloning, we use the method of this paper Deep Video-Based Performance Cloning. The code is not released because of some restrictions, but you can contact the author who can supply more detailed help.

And similar results can also be produced with the concurrent work of Everybody Dance Now, which has some unofficial implementations online.

chuanenlin commented 4 years ago

Thanks 🎉