As part of kaggle competition (
There is a kwnon issue on OSX. Use Keka or cmd-line using brew:
$ brew update
$ brew install p7zip
$ 7z x train.7z
Since all training ans test wav files have length of 1 second, we also want to split the long wav files containing background noise
into 1 second snippets.
to generate a folder containing those snippets.
Since the structure of training, validation, test, background noise etc. is quite sparse we capture all relevant information in seperate soundcorpus files containing the wav as numpy arrays and the according labels. Soundcorpora are saved in a way that we can stream data from them for training and on-the-fly noise mixing.
Running ` will create different soundcorpora and an info_dictonary containing the length of each soundcorpus. We create corpora for:
with specific batch composition, model architecture and model hparams
class capturing the baseline of the model architecture from input to logits. loads model loads test soundcorpus creates submission file
fix seed
try with 40 nfilts
try with one more layer lstm
try more hidden units lstm
one more layer conv
unknown increase rate
augment unknown labels
stable seed
submission + probs
copy own_test corpus from Downloads
cm at acc
overlap and rolling at train data
load new probs to K80-3
t3-model17_e29 very good in all but silence and unknown
download t_model17_e27
models/silence_detection/model_mfcc_bsize64_e1_s105.ckpt [[409 2][ 3 38]]
models/silence_detection/model_mfcc_bsize64_e1_s70.ckpt [[410 1][ 4 37]]
17 33
yes 0.08 on = 0.08 unknown 0.09 silence 0.09
t_model11_e48_submission.csv scores 0.08 on yes t_model11_e48_submission.csv scores 0.07 on unknown t_model11_e48_submission.csv scores 0.04 on silence t_model11_e48_submission.csv scores 0.07 on on