Closed TGanor closed 4 years ago
I cant reproduce this error. Do you have the latest version of the code and scikit-multiflow?
skmultiflow.version is '0.4.1'
All versions IPython 7.12.0 IPython.core.release 7.12.0 PIL 7.0.0 PIL.Image 7.0.0 PIL._version 7.0.0 _csv 1.0 _ctypes 1.1.0 _decimal 1.70 argparse 1.1 attr 19.3.0 backcall 0.1.0 bottleneck 1.3.2 cffi 1.14.0 colorama 0.4.3 csv 1.0 ctypes 1.1.0 cycler 0.10.0 dateutil 2.8.1 decimal 1.70 decorator 4.4.1 distutils 3.7.6 http.server 0.6 idna 2.8 idna.idnadata 11.0.0 idna.package_data 2.8 importlib_metadata 1.5.0 ipykernel 5.1.4 ipykernel._version 5.1.4 ipython_genutils 0.2.0 ipython_genutils._version 0.2.0 ipywidgets 7.5.1 ipywidgets._version 7.5.1 jedi 0.14.1 joblib 0.14.1 joblib.externals.cloudpickle 1.2.2 joblib.externals.loky 2.6.0 json 2.0.9 jsonschema 3.2.0 jupyter_client 5.3.4 jupyter_client._version 5.3.4 jupyter_core 4.6.1 jupyter_core.version 4.6.1 kiwisolver 1.1.0 logging matplotlib 3.1.3 matplotlib.backends.backend_agg 3.1.3 mkl 2.3.0 nbformat 5.0.4 nbformat._version 5.0.4 numpy 1.18.1 numpy.core 1.18.1 numpy.core._multiarray_umath 3.1 numpy.lib 1.18.1 numpy.linalg._umath_linalg b'0.1.5' pandas 1.0.1 parso 0.5.2 pickleshare 0.7.5 platform 1.0.8 plotly 4.5.4 plotly.version 4.5.4 prompt_toolkit 3.0.3 psutil 5.6.7 pygments 2.5.2 pyparsing 2.4.6 pytz 2019.3 re 2.2.1 scipy 1.4.1 scipy._lib._uarray 0.5.1+5.ga864a57.scipy scipy._lib.decorator 4.0.5 scipy._lib.six 1.2.0 scipy.integrate._dop b'$Revision: $' scipy.integrate._ode $Id$ scipy.integrate._odepack 1.9 scipy.integrate._quadpack 1.13 scipy.integrate.lsoda b'$Revision: $' scipy.integrate.vode b'$Revision: $' scipy.interpolate._fitpack 1.7 scipy.interpolate.dfitpack b'$Revision: $' scipy.linalg 0.4.9 scipy.linalg._fblas b'$Revision: $' scipy.linalg._flapack b'$Revision: $' scipy.linalg._flinalg b'$Revision: $' scipy.ndimage 2.0 scipy.optimize._cobyla b'$Revision: $' scipy.optimize._lbfgsb b'$Revision: $' scipy.optimize._minpack 1.10 scipy.optimize._nnls b'$Revision: $' scipy.optimize._slsqp b'$Revision: $' scipy.optimize.minpack2 b'$Revision: $' scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack._arpack b'$Revision: $' scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve._iterative b'$Revision: $' scipy.special.specfun b'$Revision: $' scipy.stats.mvn b'$Revision: $' scipy.stats.statlib b'$Revision: $' six 1.14.0 sklearn 0.22.1 sklearn.base 0.22.1 sklearn.datasets._svmlight_format_io 0.22.1 sklearn.externals._arff 2.4.0 sklearn.utils._joblib 0.14.1 skmultiflow 0.4.1 skmultiflow._version 0.4.1 skmultiflow.core.base 0.4.1 socketserver 0.4 sortedcontainers 2.1.0 traitlets 4.3.3 traitlets._version 4.3.3 urllib.request 3.7 zlib 1.0 zmq 18.1.1 zmq.sugar 18.1.1 zmq.sugar.version 18.1.1
I have identified the error. Please check out the latest commit:
Does this solve the issue?
I will try later and let you know
Yes now it is running many thanks can you please send some documentation so i will understand what i am seeing
I also see error messages like return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp((x))) ###################- [95%] [19.09s]C:\Users\tamirg\OneDrive - Nice Systems Ltd\Documents\TG Notebooks\testing\rrslvq-master\ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
I also see error messages like return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp((x))) ###################- [95%] [19.09s]C:\Users\tamirg\OneDrive - Nice Systems Ltd\Documents\TG Notebooks\testing\rrslvq-master\ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp This is an runtime warning and bother you further. However, you can supress it by yourself if you like.
Yes now it is running many thanks can you please send some documentation so i will understand what i am seeing
I will add some reasonable documentation to the code, hopefully, till the end of the week and notify you in this thread.
sorry for the late response. I added some documentation. Please let me know if there are any problems with it.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 516, in
stream = ReoccuringDriftStream(stream=s1, drift_stream=s2,random_state=None,alpha=90.0, position=2000,width=1)
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class ReoccuringDriftStream with abstract methods prepare_for_use