ChromeGaming / Spaceship-escort

"Spaceship Escort" is a game where players protect spacecraft from threats in space. Players control escort ships, defend against attacks, and complete missions involving navigation, combat, and strategic decisions.
MIT License
27 stars 51 forks source link

[Bug]: Missing favicon #111

Open Meetjain1 opened 4 days ago

Meetjain1 commented 4 days ago

Give a brief about the bug ✍️


Favicon is missing

What is the expected behavior? πŸ€”

Description favicon should be there .

Provide step by step information reproduce the bug πŸ“„

Description will add a favicon to it .

Select program in which you are contributing


Code of Conduct

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

Hey @Meetjain1! πŸ‘‹

πŸ‘‰ Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution and will look into it as soon as possible. πŸ‘‰ Don’t forget to star our Spaceship Escort and Follow Us on GitHub πŸ‘‰ Make sure you join our Discord, we have created separate channels for all projects

Durgesh4993 commented 3 days ago

@Meetjain1 Before seding PR, show me design

Meetjain1 commented 2 days ago

@Meetjain1 Before seding PR, show me design

Actually I added the same that is there in our repo and hence created pr directly by adding the required code , but now suggesting new have a look , @Durgesh4993

fav space-modified