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GitHub Daily Top 10 @2024-04-09 #244

Open chuck20230613001[bot] opened 2 months ago

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 2 months ago

Trending repositories for C

  1. microsoft / garnet

    Garnet is a remote cache-store from Microsoft Research that offers strong performance (throughput and latency), scalability, storage, recovery, cluster sharding, key migration, and replication features. Garnet can work with existing Redis clients.

    90 stars today | 8,672 stars | 380 forks | C#

  2. jasontaylordev / CleanArchitecture

    Clean Architecture Solution Template for ASP.NET Core

    9 stars today | 15,480 stars | 3,316 forks | C#

  3. leiurayer / downkyi


    26 stars today | 18,741 stars | 2,100 forks | C#

  4. Preeaaw / Aviator-Predictor-FULL

    Aviator Predictor is a tool designed for predicting multipliers in the Aviator betting game, helping players secure their earnings.

    4 stars today | 2 stars | 27 forks | C#

  5. LykosAI / StabilityMatrix

    Multi-Platform Package Manager for Stable Diffusion

    13 stars today | 2,558 stars | 171 forks | C#

  6. dnSpy / dnSpy

    .NET debugger and assembly editor

    13 stars today | 25,370 stars | 4,880 forks | C#

  7. nilaoda / BBDown

    Bilibili Downloader. 一款命令行式哔哩哔哩下载器.

    10 stars today | 8,284 stars | 1,028 forks | C#

  8. microsoft / PowerToys

    Windows system utilities to maximize productivity

    63 stars today | 103,808 stars | 6,096 forks | C#

  9. hellzerg / optimizer

    The finest Windows Optimizer

    20 stars today | 11,842 stars | 826 forks | C#

  10. TGSAN / CMWTAT_Digital_Edition

    CloudMoe Windows 10/11 Activation Toolkit get digital license, the best open source Win 10/11 activator in GitHub. GitHub 上最棒的开源 Win10/Win11 数字权利(数字许可证)激活工具!

    10 stars today | 13,866 stars | 1,815 forks | C#

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 2 months ago

Trending repositories for Python

  1. nashsu / FreeAskInternet

    FreeAskInternet is a completely free, private and locally running search aggregator & answer generate using LLM, without GPU needed. The user can ask a question and the system will make a multi engine search and combine the search result to the ChatGPT3.5 LLM and generate the answer based on search results.

    308 stars today | 2,058 stars | 165 forks | Python

  2. FoundationVision / VAR

    [GPT beats diffusion🔥] [scaling laws in visual generation📈] Official impl. of "Visual Autoregressive Modeling: Scalable Image Generation via Next-Scale Prediction"

    392 stars today | 1,327 stars | 81 forks | Python

  3. netease-youdao / QAnything

    Question and Answer based on Anything.

    126 stars today | 7,043 stars | 641 forks | Python

  4. RVC-Boss / GPT-SoVITS

    1 min voice data can also be used to train a good TTS model! (few shot voice cloning)

    114 stars today | 21,291 stars | 2,420 forks | Python

  5. comfyanonymous / ComfyUI

    The most powerful and modular stable diffusion GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface.

    118 stars today | 31,075 stars | 3,238 forks | Python

  6. PKU-YuanGroup / Open-Sora-Plan

    This project aim to reproduce Sora (Open AI T2V model), but we only have limited resource. We deeply wish the all open source community can contribute to this project.

    305 stars today | 6,932 stars | 622 forks | Python

  7. Libr-AI / OpenFactVerification

    Open-source solution designed to automate the process of verifying factuality

    98 stars today | 553 stars | 16 forks | Python

  8. myshell-ai / JetMoE

    Reaching LLaMA2 Performance with 0.1M Dollars

    207 stars today | 715 stars | 61 forks | Python

  9. donnemartin / system-design-primer

    Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.

    289 stars today | 251,387 stars | 43,041 forks | Python

  10. hiyouga / LLaMA-Factory

    Unify Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ LLMs

    96 stars today | 15,813 stars | 1,916 forks | Python

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 2 months ago

Trending repositories for JavaScript

  1. NaiboWang / EasySpider

    A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化浏览器自动化测试/数据采集/爬虫软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行爬虫任务。别名:ServiceWrapper面向Web应用的智能化服务封装系统。

    126 stars today | 20,556 stars | 2,295 forks | JavaScript

  2. MagicMirrorOrg / MagicMirror

    MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal assistant.

    20 stars today | 18,948 stars | 4,103 forks | JavaScript

  3. OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-contracts

    OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.

    12 stars today | 24,032 stars | 11,605 forks | JavaScript

  4. kkevsekk1 / AutoX

    A UiAutomator on android, does not need root access(安卓平台上的JavaScript自动化工具)

    16 stars today | 5,815 stars | 1,438 forks | JavaScript

  5. cmliu / WorkerVless2sub

    这个是一个将 Cloudflare Workers - VLESS 搭配 自建优选域名 的 订阅生成器

    65 stars today | 1,078 stars | 978 forks | JavaScript

  6. langflow-ai / langflow

    ⛓️ Langflow is a dynamic graph where each node is an executable unit. Its modular and interactive design fosters rapid experimentation and prototyping, pushing hard on the limits of creativity.

    205 stars today | 16,294 stars | 2,420 forks | JavaScript

  7. ryanmcdermott / clean-code-javascript

    🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript

    35 stars today | 89,453 stars | 11,997 forks | JavaScript

  8. songquanpeng / one-api

    OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2 & Gemini、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI key management & redistribution system, using a single API for all LLMs, and features an English UI.

    91 stars today | 12,764 stars | 3,004 forks | JavaScript

  9. SocialSisterYi / bilibili-API-collect


    41 stars today | 12,839 stars | 1,495 forks | JavaScript

  10. lyfe00011 / whatsapp-bot-md

    A whatsapp Multi Device bot based on baileys

    24 stars today | 1,264 stars | 16,993 forks | JavaScript