Ciantic / VirtualDesktopAccessor

DLL for accessing Windows 11/10 Virtual Desktop features from e.g. AutoHotkey
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Different wallpapers for each monitor? #62

Open gityta opened 1 year ago

gityta commented 1 year ago

One of the features I've really liked about Virtual Desktop Enhancer is the ability to assign wallpapers per virtual desktop using the [Wallpapers] section of the INI file. I use different virtual desktops for different tasks, so the different wallpapers make it easy to recognize where I am, in addition to being less distracting for some tasks. I've done this for years, and have gotten very used to it.

I didn't start using multiple monitors much until a year or two ago because I was always on a laptop, which I took everywhere, thus only one monitor. Now that I work almost exclusively at home office with multiple monitors and I don't use virtual desktops as much (but still some), I was interested in having different wallpapers on each monitor (purely for aesthetics).

With some digging around, I found these two articles:

How to set separate wallpapers on dual monitors in Windows 11 How to Set Different Wallpapers for Virtual Desktops on Windows 11

So... Any idea if it would be possible to have VDE do BOTH of these? That is, assign wallpapers to EACH monitor for EACH Virtual Desktop?

I envision that the settings.ini might look like this:

[Wallpapers] 1=pic-1.jpg ; pic-2.jpg ; pic-3.jpg 2=pic-4.jpg 3=pic-5.jpg 4=pic-6.jpg ; pic-7.jpg ; pic-8.jpg

The idea is that if there are multiple files on a line, they'd be set to the corresponding monitor. If there is only 1 pic, it would be used on all monitors for that desktop.

I have no idea if this is even possible, as I can't even find a way to do it interactively, let alone programmatically. It seems to be one or the other -- different wallpapers for each monitor OR different wallpapers for each virtual desktop. I'm still digging to see what I can learn, but thought I'd put this out there for some thought.

jadedFella commented 1 year ago

Dude, that makes it weird while switching tbh, cus windows takes a second to update the wallpaper and that gets annoying very fast.