CiscoCloud / marathon-consul

bridge Marathon information to Consul KV
Apache License 2.0
85 stars 18 forks source link

Group info missing #14

Open davidsayers opened 8 years ago

davidsayers commented 8 years ago

When deploying a group to marathon we are seeing only the task information appear in Consul. After we restart marathon-consul all the app config and tasks will appear.

K/V Before Restart:

marathon/group-test-app1/tasks/group-test_app1.string marathon/group-test-app2/tasks/group-test_app2.string

K/V After Restart:

marathon/group-test-app1 marathon/group-test-app1/tasks/group-test_app1.string marathon/group-test-app2 marathon/group-test-app2/tasks/group-test_app2.string

We are using Marathon 8.1.

Here is an example config:

  "id": "group-test",
  "apps": [
      "id": "/group-test/app1",
      "cmd": null,
      "cpus": 0.1,
      "mem": 256.0,
      "instances": 1,
      "container": {
        "type": "DOCKER",
        "docker": {
          "image": "nginx",
          "network": "BRIDGE",
          "portMappings": [
            { "containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 0, "servicePort": 0, "protocol": "tcp" }
      "id": "/group-test/app2",
      "cmd": null,
      "cpus": 0.1,
      "mem": 256.0,
      "instances": 1,
      "container": {
        "type": "DOCKER",
        "docker": {
          "image": "nginx",
          "network": "BRIDGE",
          "portMappings": [
            { "containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 0, "servicePort": 0, "protocol": "tcp" }
  "dependencies": []
vivekjuneja commented 8 years ago


I too see the same issue. When deploying Application groups, only Tasks appear in the Consul KV

davidsayers commented 8 years ago

Just tested with Marathon 13.0 and this is still an issue.

maricaantonacci commented 8 years ago

+1 tested with Marathon 0.13.0 Any feedback from the developers?

robfrut135 commented 8 years ago

+1 tested with Marathon 0.15.3 and Mesos 0.28 I've had the same issue