CivClassic / FactoryMod

Configurable factories for automating item production - Built for Paper 1.16.5
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Nether factories #55

Open Diet-Cola opened 3 years ago

Diet-Cola commented 3 years ago

Probably about time to look into this, would we keep the 2.0 exclusion radius? should the setup be the same?

Idea for config:

Convoy20 commented 3 years ago


TheRealArchie commented 3 years ago


notdrop commented 3 years ago

Delete this.

wingzero54 commented 3 years ago

For reference, what was the radius / scaling formula on 2.0?

Diet-Cola commented 3 years ago

e^(1/(dis / rad)) - e + 1 from here

wingzero54 commented 3 years ago

radians are the devil

wingzero54 commented 3 years ago

or is that radius

wingzero54 commented 3 years ago

Ok so 2.0 used a nether factory radius of 5,000 blocks, so a nether factory within 1000 blocks would be 148x cost, 2000 blocks 12x, 3000 blocks 5x, 4000 blocks 3.5x, 5000 blocks 2.7x. If we made a radius of 1000 blocks, you could make one 500 blocks away for 5.7x cost

TheOrangeWizard commented 3 years ago


EnforcerFifteen commented 3 years ago

This idea and its implementation were so unfun on 2.0 that I created this Github account to tell you to not bring this anywhere near CivClassic.