ClayAmore / ER-Save-Editor

Elden Ring Save Editor. Compatible with PC and Playstation saves.
Apache License 2.0
293 stars 75 forks source link

Any help with building an executable? #36

Open kaylexis opened 2 months ago

kaylexis commented 2 months ago

I'm not very familiar with rust, and I'm a bit confused.

mazokuboy commented 2 months ago

same here, i try to compile now, while browsing the internet for tutorials.

error[E0432]: unresolved import winres --> 6 winres::WindowsResource, ^^^^^^ maybe a missing crate winres?

= help: consider adding extern crate winres to use the winres crate

error: aborting due to 1 previous error

For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0432.

I can get past this.

mazokuboy commented 2 months ago

ClayAmore, bro if you are reading this please compile an exe for us , I just want to import my old save to the DLC.

Edit: I don't know programing, I try to compile , and I'm reading tutorial this is a real headache for me.

Deckerz commented 2 months ago

it doesnt work yet, the current code isn't up to date, a release will get posted when he fixes it.

jacobthebossie commented 2 months ago

Yes hello im just gonna ask now ive been using a save from the beginning of the game with no update at all just a disk version with no update and i still cant use the save file editor is there something wrong with the save or is it the editor

carlosrbatista1980 commented 2 months ago

Here, i just compiled the source DOWNLOAD I have tested without DLC and the experimental feature (Add wip) is working but, take care. when you load your save you can be killed by map position, which is not a big problem in my point of view. dont try to add more than 999 quantity, issues can occur.

carlosrbatista1980 commented 2 months ago

same here, i try to compile now, while browsing the internet for tutorials.

error[E0432]: unresolved import winres --> | 6 | winres::WindowsResource, | ^^^^^^ maybe a missing crate winres? | = help: consider adding extern crate winres to use the winres crate

error: aborting due to 1 previous error

For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0432.

I can get past this.

Step 1 if you r using Ps4 save follow : first of all you should use the save wizard to export save file in the save wizard, right click on save and "advanced mode" on top right you will see some buttons and one of then is export save, this is what you want, export this save to a separated folder. you will open this file when using "ER-Claymore-Save-editor"

Step 2

  1. rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
  2. cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
  3. cargo build --release

after that you will noticed new folders on your project like "target -> release" and will be an executable there with name "er-save-editor.exe"

you will open the file that we talk about on step 1 you will edit as you want, and when you r finished you will import using same method of step 1 , but this time we will use "Import save" rather than export.

slayer0527 commented 2 months ago

Here, i just compiled the source DOWNLOAD I have tested without DLC and the experimental feature (Add wip) is working but, take care. when you load your save you can be killed by map position, which is not a big problem in my point of view. dont try to add more than 999 quantity, issues can occur.

HOLY SHIT THIS WORKS! finally transferred my PC save to PS. Thanks a lot mate!!!

yesdog96 commented 2 months ago

Here, i just compiled the source DOWNLOAD I have tested without DLC and the experimental feature (Add wip) is working but, take care. when you load your save you can be killed by map position, which is not a big problem in my point of view. dont try to add more than 999 quantity, issues can occur.

So, thank you so much for your work. For some reason another character is being imported? Idk what's happening. It's not even a character I have.

ARO2604 commented 2 months ago

mir geht es genauso, ich versuche jetzt zu kompilieren, während ich im Internet nach Tutorials suche. Fehler [E0432]: nicht aufgelöster Import winres--> | 6 | winres::WindowsResource, | ^^^^^^ fehlt möglicherweise eine Kiste winres? | = Hilfe: Erwägen Sie das Hinzufügen, extern crate winresum die winresKiste zu verwenden Fehler: Abbruch aufgrund eines vorherigen Fehlers Weitere Informationen zu diesem Fehler erhalten Sie unter rustc --explain E0432. Ich kann darüber hinwegkommen.

Schritt 1 , wenn Sie PS4-Speicher verwenden, folgen Sie: Zuerst sollten Sie den Speicherassistenten verwenden, um die Speicherdatei im Speicherassistenten zu exportieren. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf Speichern und „Erweiterter Modus“. Oben rechts werden Sie einige Schaltflächen sehen und eine davon ist „Speicher exportieren“. Das ist, was Sie wollen. Exportieren Sie diesen Speicher in einen separaten Ordner. Sie öffnen diese Datei, wenn Sie „ER-Claymore-Save-Editor“ verwenden.

Schritt 2

  • installiere Rusty von HIER
  • Laden Sie diese Quelle HIER herunter
  • Sie sollten Visual Studio 2022 Community installieren
  • Markieren Sie bei der Installation die Option „Desktop-Entwicklung mit C++“, um die „C-make“-Tools zu installieren.
  • Öffnen Sie PowerShell im Stammverzeichnis des Quellcodeordners und führen Sie die folgenden Befehle aus:
  1. Rustup-Toolchain installiert stabilen x86_64-PC-Windows-GNU
  2. Frachtbau --Ziel x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
  3. Frachtbau --Release

Danach werden Sie in Ihrem Projekt neue Ordner wie „target -> release“ bemerken und dort wird eine ausführbare Datei mit dem Namen „er-save-editor.exe“ sein.

Sie öffnen die Datei, über die wir in Schritt 1 gesprochen haben, bearbeiten sie nach Wunsch und wenn Sie fertig sind, importieren Sie sie mit derselben Methode wie in Schritt 1, aber dieses Mal verwenden wir „Importieren und speichern“ statt „Exportieren“.

Hello, I have implemented all the steps as described. Unfortunately, I only have PS4 saves after updating the DLC. If I put this into the "er-save-editor.exe", it still closes immediately. Did I do something wrong? I just want to overwrite my PC safe to the PS4 save

scruffy2461 commented 2 months ago

Hello, I have implemented all the steps as described. Unfortunately, I only have PS4 saves after updating the DLC. If I put this into the "er-save-editor.exe", it still closes immediately. Did I do something wrong? I just want to overwrite my PC safe to the PS4 save

You need a save from before the dlc update.

RinxAika commented 2 months ago

It's crashing every time I open my PS4 save. My save is before DLC and opens in the original 0.0.21 release of ER Save Editor, but not in this compiled version. What am I doing wrong?

carlosrbatista1980 commented 2 months ago

Hello, I have implemented all the steps as described. Unfortunately, I only have PS4 saves after updating the DLC. If I put this into the "er-save-editor.exe", it still closes immediately. Did I do something wrong? I just want to overwrite my PC safe to the PS4 save

You need a save from before the dlc update.

you must export your save file from save wizard first. if you already did this, so might be something wrong with region. (i tried with US save) anyway i m not the developer of this project , i just compile the latest code when i noticed that the developer fixed the PS4 crash.

carlosrbatista1980 commented 2 months ago

It's crashing every time I open my PS4 save. My save is before DLC and opens in the original 0.0.21 release of ER Save Editor, but not in this compiled version. What am I doing wrong?

if it opens in the original 0.0.21 just use it, there is no new feature on compiled version

RinxAika commented 2 months ago

I might just have to wait for the update then. The version you link allows me to open my PC save, but can't open any PS4 save that I try. The original 0.0.21 can open my PS4 save, but not any PC save. So I'm stumped haha I've tried fixing any issue with the code, but my knowledge is severely lacking. So I guess I'll wait lol

RinxAika commented 2 months ago

Would any of you be willing to share your .txt ps4 save that you got to work in this? I can't for the life of me get any save to load in it besides a new PC save

Eman0133 commented 2 months ago

Here, i just compiled the source DOWNLOAD I have tested without DLC and the experimental feature (Add wip) is working but, take care. when you load your save you can be killed by map position, which is not a big problem in my point of view. dont try to add more than 999 quantity, issues can occur.


RinxAika commented 2 months ago

Here, i just compiled the source DOWNLOAD I have tested without DLC and the experimental feature (Add wip) is working but, take care. when you load your save you can be killed by map position, which is not a big problem in my point of view. dont try to add more than 999 quantity, issues can occur.


Were you able to load a PS4 save in it?

Natale206 commented 2 months ago

Here, i just compiled the source DOWNLOAD I have tested without DLC and the experimental feature (Add wip) is working but, take care. when you load your save you can be killed by map position, which is not a big problem in my point of view. dont try to add more than 999 quantity, issues can occur.

Hi @carlosrbatista1980 and Thanks for your work for compiling the editor. I want to ask you if you can help me with my problem. I Open your version of editor and finally i can import my PS4 save, but when i try to select "import character" to import my PC save i don't see the Pop-up window with my character. Can you help me to understand how can i solve?

Bubbuh-0 commented 2 months ago

same here, i try to compile now, while browsing the internet for tutorials. error[E0432]: unresolved import winres --> | 6 | winres::WindowsResource, | ^^^^^^ maybe a missing crate winres? | = help: consider adding extern crate winres to use the winres crate error: aborting due to 1 previous error For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0432. I can get past this.

Step 1 if you r using Ps4 save follow : first of all you should use the save wizard to export save file in the save wizard, right click on save and "advanced mode" on top right you will see some buttons and one of then is export save, this is what you want, export this save to a separated folder. you will open this file when using "ER-Claymore-Save-editor"

Step 2

  • install rusty from HERE
  • download this source from HERE
  • you should install visual studio 2022 community
  • when you are installing, mark the option "Desktop development with C++" to install "C-make" tools
  • open powershell at source code folder root and do this commands:
  1. rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
  2. cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
  3. cargo build --release

after that you will noticed new folders on your project like "target -> release" and will be an executable there with name "er-save-editor.exe"

you will open the file that we talk about on step 1 you will edit as you want, and when you r finished you will import using same method of step 1 , but this time we will use "Import save" rather than export.

I have followed this step by step yet all I get is constant failure and I am completely lost in this. All I want to do is transfer pc saves to PS and nothing I do works. If somebody can give me any advice I would appreciate it, but I just give up.

Bubbuh-0 commented 2 months ago

Here, i just compiled the source DOWNLOAD I have tested without DLC and the experimental feature (Add wip) is working but, take care. when you load your save you can be killed by map position, which is not a big problem in my point of view. dont try to add more than 999 quantity, issues can occur.

HOLY SHIT THIS WORKS! finally transferred my PC save to PS. Thanks a lot mate!!!

How did you get it too work? mine doesn't even work

lowryder2005 commented 2 months ago

The build linked works fine, but only with some saves -- I suspect those that are from the 1.10 version. I managed to transfer one by downloading a suitable save from a site yesterday, and used it as a base to import this one Thing is, since it wasn't exactly what I was looking (missing gestures, had all sites of grace for the DLC, while I wanted to play it) I deleted the work.

I wish I hadn't lost the original "suitable save" because now... I am unable to get it working with another save again. The same altered save (if re-exported) also crashes when I go into the stats section of the Save Editor. And importing a character again via the Save Editor into the save I altered doesn't work correctly, the save stays the same. However, the save always works when reimported to my PS4-5. Adding it here in case someone wants to see it. The save should work in-game for you too, and you should be able to open it with 0.22... but the Importer won't work, whatever the reason.

Best thing would be for someone who has an original (not re-imported in SaveWizard, not edited by the 0.22 version) PS4 save that was readable by the 0.22 version of the tool, when converted to .txt, and link it here. Then it would be a matter of just importing a character over it from a PC save.

yesdog96 commented 2 months ago

yeah, I think the update to the game's calibration messed with it. I can't put my ps4 save on the compiled one. @ClayAmore... we wait on you I guess.

Bubbuh-0 commented 2 months ago

The build linked works fine, but only with some saves -- I suspect those that are from the 1.10 version. I managed to transfer one by downloading a suitable save from a site yesterday, and used it as a base to import this one Thing is, since it wasn't exactly what I was looking (missing gestures, had all sites of grace for the DLC, while I wanted to play it) I deleted the work.

I wish I hadn't lost the original "suitable save" because now... I am unable to get it working with another save again. The same altered save (if re-exported) also crashes when I go into the stats section of the Save Editor. And importing a character again via the Save Editor into the save I altered doesn't work correctly, the save stays the same. However, the save always works when reimported to my PS4-5. Adding it here in case someone wants to see it. The save should work in-game for you too, and you should be able to open it with 0.22... but the Importer won't work, whatever the reason.

Best thing would be for someone who has an original (not re-imported in SaveWizard, not edited by the 0.22 version) PS4 save that was readable by the 0.22 version of the tool, when converted to .txt, and link it here. Then it would be a matter of just importing a character over it from a PC save.

Okay so with this I got the editor to actually work now, only problem now is that the character it has is too overleveled for me and when I decrease it and save it, the changes won't stick. Any fix or do I just have to deal with it?

Ryaku38 commented 2 months ago


I tried with my original PS4 Save (exported / uncrypt by save wizard) and the EXE shutdown when i tried to open it.

chhallchase commented 2 months ago

i ran the executable through hybridanalysis and it came back with some weird stuff. I'll leave the report here

mazokuboy commented 2 months ago

@carlosrbatista1980 I hope you are a good guy......... I really really hope 🤨

CristianAxe commented 2 months ago

@chhallchase @mazokuboy If it makes you feel better, I reviewed and compiled the code myself and got similar results on hybridanalysis. I checked the code manually, there's nothing that screams data stealing, unless it's very concealed under some other layers, which doesn't seem to be the case. hybridanalysis analyzes the code based on what these functions are 'usually' used for, but it doesn't know exactly how these functions and methods are being used. Here's my report, anyway, compiled by me on a VM machine.

superdave16 commented 2 months ago


I tried with my original PS4 Save (exported / uncrypt by save wizard) and the EXE shutdown when i tried to open it.

Had this issue, i ended up trying all versions of editor 0.20 0.21 and 0.22, i tried every save from every update version + dlc content and the only save i could get to open was update 115 no dlc at all. i was able to import character from my pc on higher update version 1.12 in pc game version update 1.17 for ps4 and it worked no issues.

link to blank working 115 save, use editor 0.21 to open and edit, iif anyone needs i got all saves v1.0, 1.05, 1.1, 1.13, 1.15, 1.17, dlc

working blank below. cheers

lowryder2005 commented 2 months ago

Thank you so much superdave16, this may indeed solve things!

superdave16 commented 2 months ago

This works too. Add true commend out rest of lines recompile. Loads all saves dlc and no dlc cheers

On Mon, Jul 1, 2024, 4:48 p.m. lowryder2005 @.***> wrote:

Thank you so much superdave16, this may indeed solve things!

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BradMcDev commented 3 weeks ago

Compiled the release/0.1.0 branch and compiled with cargo/rust tonight. Not all files are importing properly (tried importing the Ultimate High Level PVP Starter from, threw an error), but you may have more luck. Anyway, this is the latest code that Clay was building a release for last night. Hope it helps some of yall!