CleverProgrammers / nodejs-zoom-clone

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when i run this on my local system i found this error #33

Open Tejas-r281 opened 3 years ago

Tejas-r281 commented 3 years ago

index.js:83 WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3030/' failed: Invalid frame header

nmc2711 commented 3 years ago

same error plz

ankur-powar commented 3 years ago

It doesn't cause any problem.

arnav2236 commented 3 years ago

It doesn't cause any problem.

my local host is not showing dual window when I open link in two windows. can you help?

cforsyth68 commented 3 years ago

Same problem. No solution?

harshitrathod1 commented 3 years ago

not showing dual window

socket.on('user-connected',(user_id) => { console.log("Hey someone just Joined" + user_id); setTimeout(connectToNewUser,1000,user_id,stream); //connectToNewUser(user_id,stream); });

wrap connectToNewUser function with a setTimeOut function as stream object is null if we don't use it. Navigator promise takes time to create a stream object and we are calling connectToNewUser function before stream has been created!

anujmittal2308 commented 2 years ago