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Package Manager Tooling #10

Open BenjaminRCooper opened 10 years ago

BenjaminRCooper commented 10 years ago

What's everyones thoughts on integrating this into our project boilerplate?

I don't know about you guys, but going and searching for libraries and updating libraries is slow, and I think Bower could be really useful.


lewismorris commented 10 years ago

Hey Ben,

Your right it's boring and time consuming, might also be worth looking at which includes Grunt and Bower.


timgale commented 10 years ago

Hey guys

I recall Yeoman being mentioned recently, it would be really useful to have a centralised suite for running tasks and managing dependencies. However, from what I can gather, it seems to be more targeted towards web apps running on an MV* framework, which may not be suitable for every project. Having said that, there seems to be a number of features we could make use of, with the nice addition of unit testing.

+1 for Bower either way.

BenjaminRCooper commented 10 years ago

Yeah I was thinking Yeoman, but as Tim has stated, it seems quite focused towards MV* applications, as well as the generators being very application focused. Could be a little too much for what we require.

I think bower would be a great tool and with the majority of us being in the terminal for Grunt etc, it seems a great tool to integrate.

Love to hear your thoughts.


jonspark commented 10 years ago

Yeoman does focus on the app-kinda territory, but I have seen generators for things as mundane as a WP project. The bottom line is that it helps you to generate a default project layout, I think that that's exactly what we need to do everything that we're talking about here.

All we would have to do is write and maintain (under source control) our own Yeoman generator to create a 'boilerplate' Clicksco project.

BenjaminRCooper commented 10 years ago

Morning Jon,

I totally agree, I wasnt really thinking about creating our own generator, but that is a great idea.

I think this would be great.


jonspark commented 10 years ago

Re: Bower, definitely... get it in. We're using the PHP equivalent, Composer. A package manager is a rock-solid tool, really a foundation to a modern project.

BenjaminRCooper commented 9 years ago

Already using bower for Viaduct, so what is everyone's thoughts for using it for pulling down all necessary third party scripts if they are available?

BenjaminRCooper commented 9 years ago

Changed title so that it is not specific to a certain tool as not to be bias.

grahammorley commented 9 years ago

Definitely a good idea imo. +1

matchboxhero commented 9 years ago


BenjaminRCooper commented 9 years ago

Anymore tools to review on this front from anyone?

Currently we have Bower, DuoJS and potentially NPM. NPM is more of a given due to all other tooling tbh, but its what extent we want to use it.


BenjaminRCooper commented 9 years ago

JSPM is another tool to review