ClimateCompatibleGrowth / research_index

Deploys a Flask web app with a memgraph backend for exploring CCG research outputs
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link

CCG Research Index


To enter development mode of the website, with the memgraph database running in the background, run

python app/


1. Create a memgraph instance on Microsoft Azure.

Once the VM is up and running, SSH into the VM, download and install memgraph

curl -O
sudo dpkg -i /memgraph_2.14.1-1_amd64.deb

2. Build Docker container

docker build

Run the docker container in development mode to test

docker run -dp 5001:80 -w /app -v "$(pwd):/app" research-index-gunicorn-311 sh -c "python app/"

3. Deploy front-end to Azure and provision database

Push container to docker hub

docker container commit c385 ccg-research-index:v0.1
docker image tag ccg-research-index:v0.1 willu47docker/ccg-research-index:ccg-research-index
docker image push willu47docker/ccg-research-index:ccg-research-index