Is your feature request related to a problem in the current program to new available techology or software? Please describe and add links/citations if appropriate.
We already create panel app links for genes on variants, but it would not hurt to have these also on the gene page. This would be part A, and should be really straightforward. For part B it would also be cool to link back to the PanelApp panel entities, either from panel name or from some saved artifact to the downloaded panel.
Is your feature request related to a problem in the current program to new available techology or software? Please describe and add links/citations if appropriate. We already create panel app links for genes on variants, but it would not hurt to have these also on the gene page. This would be part A, and should be really straightforward. For part B it would also be cool to link back to the PanelApp panel entities, either from panel name or from some saved artifact to the downloaded panel.