ClojureBridge / Workshops

A history of ClojureBridge workshops. Issues are used to request website updates for upcoming workshops.
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ClojureBridge, Tampere, Finland, May 6th 2017 #53

Closed MattiNieminen closed 7 years ago

MattiNieminen commented 7 years ago

Event title

ClojureBridge, Tampere (in Finnish)



Futurice Tampere office Kelloportinkatu 1 D 33100 Tampere Finland


Note: this event will be held in Finnish. Huom: tämä tapahtuma on suomenkielinen.

Tapahtuma järjestetään lauantaina 6.5.2017 klo 10-18 Tampereella Futuricen toimistolla, Kelloportinkatu 1D, 33100 Tampere.

ClojureBridgen tarkoituksena on lisätä monimuotoisuutta Clojure-yhteisössä tarjoamalla ilmaisia, aloittelijaystävällisiä koodaustyöpajoja naisille.

ClojureBridge on ilmainen ja tarkoitettu kaikille, jotka identifioituvat naiseksi.

Vaatimuksena on, että osallistujalla on oma kannettava tietokone, jossa wifi sekä johon on oikeus asentaa ohjelmia (eli ns. adminoikeudet). Mikäli käytät windows-konetta, on käyttöjärjestelmän oltava vähintään windows 7.

Lisätietoa löydät täältä:

Additional Info

Event Registration

Organizer details


ClojureBridge Finland

Sponsors (optional)

Name: Metosin

Name: Futurice

Name: Gofore Oy

Name: Solita

Name: Nitor Oy

yokolet commented 7 years ago

🎉 Yay, Finland again!

@MattiNieminen Is this workshop is ready to publish on our website? If so, I will create the website at .

By the way, have you ever talked with a ClojureBridge board member? Tampere is not the first time, so I believe you have ideas how/what to do. But, it's nice to talk with since the board member has an access to ClojureBridge resources.

MattiNieminen commented 7 years ago

@yokolet yes the event can be published. Thanks!

Yeah this is the second ClojureBridge in Tampere, and (if I remember correctly) the sixth in Finland. I think we have never talked to a board member, but I will check with our more experienced coaches.

yokolet commented 7 years ago

Hi @MattiNieminen , the website it up at . Please check everything is correct.

I want to ask you to register at and add an image of . The front page automatically picks gravatar image from organizer's email. The registration needs only once. Later ClojureBridge workshops by don't need to any. Would you go ahead and add the image?