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submission blocked on Argoverse 2 #4340

Open kingwmk opened 1 month ago

kingwmk commented 1 month ago

Hello. I have a submission blocked problem on Argoverse 2: Motion Forecasting Competition's Multi-world prediction channel. Thank you for your help.

kingwmk commented 1 month ago

The status always is 'submitted'.

RishabhJain2018 commented 1 month ago

Thanks @kingwmk for reaching out.

@gchhablani Can you please look into it?

lon0862 commented 1 month ago

I have the same question, I have a submission blocked problem on Argoverse 2: Motion Forecasting Competition's single agent forecasting. It always in "submitted" status.

kingwmk commented 1 month ago

Sorry. The problem come out again. @RishabhJain2018 @gchhablani