CloudSixteen / Clockwork

A roleplaying framework developed by Cloud Sixteen for the people.
MIT License
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Phasefour on Clockwork keep launching in Base gamemode. #433

Closed Contamination closed 5 years ago

Contamination commented 5 years ago

I'm running my gamemode on wampserver to modify it directly on localhost, already did it a great amount of times so i know how it works.

So here's two errors that i found in the console.

Couldn't include file 'external\utf8.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 10))

Couldn't include file 'external\von.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line))

If you ask, yes, i erased every old files that where in the concerned directories (such as the Lua/autorun or Lua/includes files)

Any help would be great, i don't want to be disapointed by my recent acquisition of the famous Phasefour schema!

HAve a nice day everyone!

xRJx commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately Phase Four is broken at the moment and requires a lot of bug fixing. I'm not sure when it would be fixed.

Contamination commented 5 years ago

oh... fuck me, it didn't showed any advices :I Anyway, thanks for the answer RJ do you know anything i can do to help this thing out?

VortixDev commented 5 years ago

If you navigate to gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/external, do you see utf8.lua and von.lua?

Contamination commented 5 years ago


Contamination commented 5 years ago

Alright just tested Hl2rp it seems that it doesn't work at all, i tried using a previous (and more stable version of clockwork) but no results, a little help could be generous

[EDIT] Configuration state:

Using WampServer on local IP (and not localhost as recommended in the configuration section)

Database : Installed. clockwork.cfg : Correctly configured.


LibMySQL files : in common/garrysmod. Lua files: whole in bin files clockwork/gamemode/external files : von.lua and utf8.lua present.


Serial key entered.

WAMPSERVER Active on admin launch.

Somethings missing perhaps?

minikanyas commented 5 years ago

There must be something wrong on your end since every schema manages to boot up. Anyways, could you send your console log? That would help us to find the issue.

Contamination commented 5 years ago

The first alarming thing is that one

[Clockwork] Framework is initializing... Please wait while Clockwork initializes... Couldn't include file 'includes\modules\fileio.lua' (File not found) (@lua/includes/modules/cloudauthx.lua (line 5))

[ERROR] lua/includes/modules/cloudauthx.lua:5: Module not found!

  1. require - [C]:-1
    1. unknown - lua/includes/modules/cloudauthx.lua:5
    2. require - [C]:-1
      1. unknown - gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/init.lua:33
      2. DeriveGamemode - [C]:-1
      3. unknown - gamemodes/cwphasefour/gamemode/init.lua:6

[ERROR] gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/init.lua:33: Module not found!

  1. require - [C]:-1
    1. unknown - gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/init.lua:33
    2. DeriveGamemode - [C]:-1
      1. unknown - gamemodes/cwphasefour/gamemode/init.lua:6

Couldn't Load Init Script: 'clockwork/gamemode/init.lua' Default clips will be not be modified

and here's the second one, wich is a little after

[[ExtReM] Contamination Breaker|2|STEAM_0:1:17598139] Lua Error: Couldn't include file 'external\utf8.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 10))

[[ExtReM] Contamination Breaker|2|STEAM_0:1:17598139] Lua Error: Couldn't include file 'external\von.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 11))

VortixDev commented 5 years ago

From what I can tell, you are using the version of Clockwork linked to on the store downloads page, correct?

If so, try downloading the version from this GitHub repo and replacing your binaries in lua/bin/ with those in the download.

Contamination commented 5 years ago

I'll do, thanks !

Contamination commented 5 years ago

Alright, it keeps running on Base gamemode, with the same errors in the console.

sanny-io commented 5 years ago

Paste the contents of lua/includes/modules/cloudauthx.lua here.

Contamination commented 5 years ago


print("Please wait while Clockwork initializes...");

require("tmysql4"); require("fileio");

CloudAuthX = {}; CloudAuthX.kernel = {};

CW_SCRIPT_SHARED = { schemaFolder = engine.ActiveGamemode() };

function CloudAuthX.Initialize() Clockwork.plugin:Call("ClockworkSaveShared", CW_SCRIPT_SHARED);

local scriptShared = "CW_SCRIPT_SHARED = [["..Clockwork.kernel:Serialize(CW_SCRIPT_SHARED).."]];"; Clockwork.file:Write("lua/clockwork.lua", scriptShared);

AddCSLuaFile("clockwork.lua"); end;

function CloudAuthX.Authenticate() end;

function CloudAuthX.External() end;

function CloudAuthX.kernel:IncludeSchema() local schemaFolder = Clockwork.kernel:GetSchemaFolder();

if (schemaFolder and type(schemaFolder) == "string") then Clockwork.config:Load(nil, true); Clockwork.plugin:Include(schemaFolder.."/schema", true); Clockwork.config:Load(); end; end;

Contamination commented 5 years ago

Thanks to @sannysc , I could identify a path through my problem, wich was the presence of cloudauth.lua, i removed it and now i'm free again! Thanks Sanny!