Cloudhunter / LetsEncryptCraft

A hacky mod to allow LetsEncrypt https urls to work on Java versions which do not support it.
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link

Trust the roots instead of the intermediates #3

Open alexzorin opened 5 years ago

alexzorin commented 5 years ago


Clever project!

Since Let's Encrypt may at any moment switch over to the Let's Encrypt Authority X4 intermediate for new certificates (or use the ISRG-signed intermediate rather than the cross-signed one you include in this project), there is a decent amount of risk that the mod will unexpectedly stop working.

You can review the relationship between the certificates here -

If I can suggest an alternate strategy for your patching of the trust store - trust these two certificates:

All Let's Encrypt intermediates in existence will always be signed by one of these two trust anchors, so Java will always be able to validate a Let's Encrypt certificate's trustworthiness just from those two roots (now and in future).

Functionally your mod should remain the same, but be less fragile to future change.


Cloudhunter commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for the suggestion! I'll look into doing this :)

Cloudhunter commented 5 years ago

Since Let's Encrypt may at any moment switch over to the Let's Encrypt Authority X4 intermediate for new certificates (or use the ISRG-signed intermediate rather than the cross-signed one you include in this project), there is a decent amount of risk that the mod will unexpectedly stop working.

Seems this is actually happening now - they're going direct to the ISRG-signed intermediate.

Guess I got an update to work on!

Sollace commented 4 years ago

@Cloudhunter Hi, SollAI here! We see you haven't updated this issue in almost 10 Months now. Would you like any assistance in resolving this problem? ^_^