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BotBaba: Learn WhatsApp chatbot webinar #10887

Open ImranBinShoukat opened 3 years ago

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

I joined the webinar late and missed the part were they showed the BotBaba demos. What I understood from the webinar are as follows:

  1. BotBaba is a platform where users can create their customized chatbot for commerce, retail, orders, etc.
  2. They have the integrations with different other companies like shopify and they using for WhatsApp API calls. They said this is much cheaper than Twilio.
  3. I looked at their demo chatbots as well. I am attaching the screen shots at the bottom. We can test the chatbots using this link:
  4. Once a number gets converted to use WhatsApp Business APIs, it cannot be converted back to normal WhatsApp. That's why most of the providers recommend getting a new number when starting with WhatsApp Business APIs
Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 9 22 29 AM Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 9 22 56 AM Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 9 23 22 AM Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 9 23 49 AM Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 9 24 18 AM
sojharo commented 3 years ago

Salaam, I have watched the webinar of BotBaba and following are the notes that I have taken from them.

Whatsapp Chatbot builder tool

BotBaba founder Soorat

They have 5000 users all over the world

Integrations with PayTM and other local payment providers

Companies having chatbots

LG, Voltas Vodafone Jio Banks Travel portals etc

Botbaba - no-code chatbot builder platform

Use Cases they explained for chatbots

Lead generations — FB Ads — SMS marketing — offline QR code

E-commerce — sales — Support — conversion otimisation

Mobile app alternative — operations — customer support

School — for parents to enquire about their kids

Analytics that they show on their dashboard Success rate, unique chats, total visits

They Did demo on their product:

Their UI is same like flow builder that we have for building bots.

They are calling the menu items as buttons and can be added from their UI. I have shared screenshot for this.

They have web based chatbot as well. Same bot will be used for web and whatsapp.

They showed the web view cart inside the web chatbot in one of their customers chatbot where customer was able to see the products on webview and then add them to cart and then chatbot took over again.

They have shopify plugin and are working on woocommerce plugin

Paypal and stripe are integrated in their chatbot.

They have approved templates for restuarant, bakery, grocery etc.

They explained types of messages such as template message and session message. Rest of the things that they explained were mostly what we already know.

You can get Green tick if you have 5000 fb page followers and 5000 messages/mo. traffic. This is the basic criteria but decision lies on whatsapp.

One example of green tick whatsapp business number:

Chatbot has one time charge for lifetime.

They then charge on template and session messages (per message policy in paisas)

They have good web chatbot UI where they sometimes switch to webview for complex features.

They marketed as an alternative of twilio for whatsapp api.

jekram commented 3 years ago

@sojharo @ImranBinShoukat

Please rewatch the recording and provide what are the learning for this

What are the business use case we can get out of this

Please look from a new perspective and not how we are doing

This is ONLY for discussion perspective and we would review and decide

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

I have watched the recording. Here are the list fo business use cases that I got out of this:

  1. Lead Generation: WhatsApp chatbot can be used for lead generation. When people messages on WhatsApp we can take out the info from WhatsApp like name, number, etc and we can call each of the subscribers a possible lead.
  2. Redirect users to WhatsApp chatbot using SMS marketing: Business can reach to people through SMS marketing and share WhatsApp chatbot link. This is also one way of lead generation and let people use WhatsApp chatbot.
  3. QR promotion: Business can share the QR code offline or they can put it on their social media accounts or website and let people scan and start conversing with WhatsApp chatbot.
  4. Sales: WhatsApp chatbot can be used for sales. This is same as ecommerce chatbot where people can view products and purchase them.
  5. Customer support: WhatsApp chatbot can be used for customer support. Outside of office hours or within office hours chatbot can try to answer customers queries or redirect them to support agents.
  6. Capture customers info using user input: We can ask for different info using free hand user input and later show these to businesses. Info could be email, address, number, etc
sojharo commented 3 years ago

The business use cases that we can get from the use of chatbot as per their webinar are following:

  1. Chatbots maybe alternative of small mobile apps i.e. any small retailer who wants to sell grocery doesn't need to have an app built for him and he can just have a chatbot and it will work across the platforms. Not only retail or commerce apps, chatbots can replace the apps like productivity i.e. tracking and reminding health goals to the users which remind to take medicine etc.
  2. Lead Generation: Facebook has recently introduced a call-to-action button saying "WhatsApp Us". This can help in getting whatsapp numbers of customers and have them chat with bot. Getting the contact number is challenging for marketers.
  3. Lead Qualification: Once the lead is obtained, the whatsapp chatbot can ask questions them which qualifies the lead i.e. whether the customer should be shown this product or not. etc
  4. QR Contacts: Whatsapp contacts can be shared using QR codes. So any business whatsapp account can have the QR code of its own which we can share on websites or banners and users can scan it on whatsapp to contact the business.
  5. School Chatbots can contact parents and answer to their queries regarding their child's performance.
  6. WhatsApp chatbot can be used for conversation rate optimization i.e. bot is connected to a shopify store and when someone does the order on the website and they will receive the message on whatsapp (once opted in) about their order. After sometime the whatsapp can send the discount code for the other relevant product.
  7. Whatsapp chatbots connected with CRM software can enhance the customer support as chatbot will be able fetch all the customer information from the CRM and provide support personally.
  8. There are other use cases that we can build with the chatbot apart from commerce such as:
    1. Job Portal Chatbot
    2. Clinic Chatbot
    3. Tour Planner chatbot
    4. Restaurant booking chatbot
    5. Loan chatbots
    6. Insurance chatbots
  9. From business perspective, they are integrating with multiple whatsapp providers so that if their client doesn't like cost of one provider then they can opt for other one.
  10. Support for custom domains for enterprise which will remove branding of bot bata from the solution.
  11. Premade templates for the bots help customers to start creating their bots in minutes.

Pre-made templates: I think we should have premade templates for chatbots for different industries so that customer can start a template and build their bot on top of it by customising the contents. Shayaan was specifically clueless what his bot should have and should do. Imran had to create a bot for him so that he can further modify it according to his needs.

Some of the chatbot platforms like BotBaba, ManyChat and Chatfuel do have agency programs as well so that if businesses don't have people who can build chatbot for them or maintain their chatbots then they work with authorized chatbot agencies to maintain and create their chatbot on these chatbot platforms. It is just like companies who don't have time to manage their social media then they go for digital marketing agencies.

jekram commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the detailed response.

There are three segments of users from price predictive.

1) Very small SBM who does not need an API and can get away with one Phone on WhatsApp. 2) Medium Size customer (like the e-commerce customers that we are targeting). Are they user reluctant due to price or use case. Our use case would improve if we have a real customer and we enhance it working with the customer. 3) Large companies where the price is not the issue but back end integration is required.

I would like to stay with eCommerce because it brings revenue to the customer.

Let's think more about this.

jekram commented 3 years ago

link to the recording

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

@AnishaChhatwani @bjafri5 please watch the recording and put your comments here.

AnishaChhatwani commented 3 years ago

I've seen the video

bjafri5 commented 3 years ago

I have watched the video

bjafri5 commented 3 years ago

Here are the meeting notes from today's meeting with Pratik Malhotra from BotBaba:

Stages for commerce chatbot:

First stage: (they are done with this)

Second stage:

Third stage: (6-8 months ahead in pipeline)

Current WhatsApp Growth tools:

Ways to generate leads through WhatsApp:

Other notes:

Ways to get started with marketing:

prats69 commented 3 years ago

woah. I am the founder of botbaba and just came across this analysis. I am flattered by the detailed analysis on us :P

You can add many more things to the list now.

How about a call? My email is

sojharo commented 3 years ago

Hey @prats69 , we had plans to integrate with BotBaba. However, for some reasons, the company got shut down and we open sourced all of our repositories.