Similar to the monitoring and crm modules, create a module which defines a device.
This module should handle interactions with either the Foreman ENC or a CouchDB backend for Hiera integration.
tiers are folder names in Hiera, like node, osfamily and manufacturer
tierValues, are filenames in the folder, like "Redhat"
tierDocument is the document contents like "osfamily/Redhat.json"
Similar to the monitoring and crm modules, create a module which defines a device.
This module should handle interactions with either the Foreman ENC or a CouchDB backend for Hiera integration.
tiers are folder names in Hiera, like node, osfamily and manufacturer tierValues, are filenames in the folder, like "Redhat" tierDocument is the document contents like "osfamily/Redhat.json"
listTiers(callback); listTierValues(tier, callback); listClassesByTier(tier, tierValue, callback(err, checkList)); ex. listChecksByTier('osfamily', 'RedHat', function(err, checkList) { }); listParametersByTierValue(tier, tierValue, callback(err, parameterList)); updateParameterByTierValue(tier, tierValue, parameter, parameterValue, callback(err, tierDocument));
... tbc