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Write a self-contained dedicated server startup script for MMs #15

Closed freghar closed 3 years ago

freghar commented 3 years ago

When testing mods or missions, I always start up a local dedicated server, since it's different to a Multiplayer Preview in the editor or even a Hosted MP server. However it would be worth making this easy to use for others.

Create a (windows batch / powershell) script + related directory, both of which would be put inside the Arma 3 install dir:

The actual server.cfg / basic.cfg / server.Arma3Profile are easy to make - get them either from or or just poke me.

For the record - I don't plan to work on this, but it would be really good if somebody with PowerShell powers could. :)


milivojm commented 3 years ago


Didr commented 3 years ago

Can't say I write much Powershell, but here's a beta version!

Missing features:

# --- User Config ---
# Which mod repos do you want to run? Pick between: main, main+dev, main+campaign or main+dev+campaign
$modRepo = "main"
$configLocation = "C:\Users\did\Documents\GIT-CNTO\testscript"
# Main cnto repo directory path
$mainRepoPath = "X:\Games\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Main-Repo"
# Campaign cnto repo path (optional)
$campaignRepoPath = "X:\Games\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Campaign-Repo"
# Dev cnto repo path (optional)
$devRepoPath = "X:\Games\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Dev-Repo"
# Path to Arma3
$armaPath = "X:\Games\steamapps\common\Arma 3"
# Start HC: yes/no
$startHC = "yes"
# Use latest CBA settings: yes/no
$useLatestCBA = "yes"

# Static Config
Set-Location $configLocation
$currentLocation = Get-Location
$ServerScriptUrl = ""
$cbaSettingsURL = ""
$basicCfgURL = ""
$commonServerParameters = "-port 2302 -noSplash -noLand -enableHT -hugePages -profiles=$configDir\profiles"
$configDir = "$configLocation\server-setup"
$mainMods = Get-ChildItem $mainRepoPath
$campaignMods = Get-ChildItem $campaignRepoPath
$devMods = Get-ChildItem $devRepoPath

# Functions
function Get-MainMods() {
    $modList = $mainMods | Group-Object -Property Directory | ForEach-Object {
            $_.Group | Resolve-Path | Convert-Path
    return $modList

function Get-CampaignMods() {
    $campaignModList = $campaignMods | Group-Object -Property Directory | ForEach-Object {
            $_.Group | Resolve-Path | Convert-Path
    return $campaignModList

function Get-DevModDiff() {
    $devDiff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mainMods -DifferenceObject $devMods -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent -PassThru
    $modList = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $devDiff -DifferenceObject $mainMods -PassThru | Group-Object -Property Directory | ForEach-Object {
            $_.Group | Resolve-Path | Convert-Path
    $devModList = $devMods | Group-Object -Property Directory | ForEach-Object {
            $_.Group | Resolve-Path | Convert-Path
    return $modList+','+$devModList

# Awful switch statement to get correct mods
function Get-ModList($type) {
    switch ($type) {
        "main" {return Get-MainMods}

        "main+dev" {return Get-DevModDiff}

        "main+campaign" {return "$(Get-MainMods)+','+$(Get-CampaignMods)"}

        "main+dev+campaign" {return "$(Get-DevModDiff)+','+$(Get-CampaignMods)"}

function Start-Server($type,$getLatestCBA,$useHC) {
    # Force overwrite cba_settings.sqf
    if ($getLatestCBA -eq "yes") {
        Write-Host "Downloading latest CBA Settings from Github"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $cbaSettingsURL -OutFile "$armaPath\userconfig\cba_settings.sqf"
    if ($useHC -eq "yes") {
        Write-Host "Starting headless client..."
        Start-Process -FilePath "$armapath\arma3server.exe" -ArgumentList "$commonServerParameters -client -connect= -password=cnto -mod=`"$(Get-ModList($type))`""
    Write-Host "Starting the server..."
    Start-Process -FilePath "$armapath\arma3server.exe" -ArgumentList "$commonServerParameters -filePatching -name=server -config=$configDir\server.cfg -cfg=$configDir\basic.cfg -mod=`"$(Get-ModList($type))`""


# First Setup - 
function Initialize-Server {
    # Add confirmation dialogue about overwriting
    Write-Host "Downloading the latest startup script ZIP from Github"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ServerScriptUrl -OutFile "$configLocation\"
    Write-Host "Extracting it..."
    Expand-Archive -Path "$configLocation\" -DestinationPath $currentLocation -Force
    Write-Host "Deleting the ZIP after extraction has been completed"
    Copy-Item -Path "$configLocation\misc-scripts-master\server-setup" -Destination "$configLocation" -Force -Recurse
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $basicCfgURL -OutFile "$configDir\basic.cfg"
    Remove-Item -Path "$configLocation\misc-scripts-master" -Force -Recurse
    Remove-Item -Path "$configLocation\" -Force

    # Create userconfig folder in arma3 folder, if it doesn't exist:
    New-Item -Path "$armaPath" -Name "userconfig" -ItemType "directory" -Force | Out-Null
    # Add cba_settings
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $cbaSettingsURL -OutFile "$armaPath\userconfig\cba_settings.sqf"
Start-Server -type $modRepo -getLatestCBA $useLatestCBA -useHC $startHC
freghar commented 3 years ago

Development ongoing in