[x] The team should have a Web Page(s) that teach/explain: Fibonacci, Algorithm, etc.
[x] The team should have a Web Page(s) that teach/explain: Sorting, Timing, Compares Swaps, etc.
Team Review ticket containing key Team and individual contributions:
[x] Growth/Accomplishments in work is according to historical Team Plan, or they show revisions to plan according to work
[x] Short falls/Improvement that could be made in Work or Team Plan, team highlights next steps or improvements that could be made
[x] Showing key accomplishments according to requirement in Java Backend such as API, Abstract Class(es), Inheritance, Polymorphic behavior, Sorting Algorithms, etc. In Sorting, there should NOT be static classes or static methods.
[x] Showing key user interaction and learning(s). For instance how you visualized Sorting Algorithm: Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge... how you captured Big O, analytical data, usage of Data Structures... And/or, how you provided response and Feedback to user on their success in learning or experiencing your interface.
Freeform Comment:
Had a really interesting and unique way of showing the fibonacci and sorting functions
Would have been cool to have also shown the actual result of the fibonacci and sorting algorithm
Creative and Unique characters to describe the features of every sort
Everything is working locally maybe try some runtime links as well
Team - Nikhil Chakravarthula, Anthony, Ryan
Ryan Anthony Nikhil
Growth and accomplishments
Improvements we could make