[ ] the branch follows the naming schema issue-123-enable-x-does-not-disable-y
[ ] the pull request has a sensible title
With this change I intend to...
Include google app script as a development site for the browser extension as in this website you can code automatizations with google services or even web apps with google infrastructure.
Review Points
Please take extra care reviewing...
I added another entry on the 'Dev' array
The code follows best practices
[ ] duplicate code has been extracted where possible
[ ] issues for follow-up tasks have been created
[ ] tests have been written for any new functionality
[ ] there is no any type used
[ ] texts have been checked for grammar and spelling issues
The Pull Request is ready
With this change I intend to...
Include google app script as a development site for the browser extension as in this website you can code automatizations with google services or even web apps with google infrastructure.
Review Points
Please take extra care reviewing...
I added another entry on the 'Dev' array
The code follows best practices
type usedNotes
Nothing to note about.