CodeSeven / toastr

Simple javascript toast notifications
MIT License
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timeout=0 onclick=function(){} how do I hide the toastr? #680

Open GStainburn opened 2 years ago

GStainburn commented 2 years ago

With the code below (taken from the demo page, with callbacks added) my toaster pops up and doesn't time out.
If I click the button the callback happens but the toastr doesn't disappear.

How do I make it disappear please?

Also, if I click the background, it does disappear. How can I prevent this?

toastr.options = { "closeButton": false,
                   "debug": false,
                   "newestOnTop": false,
                   "progressBar": false,
                   "positionClass": "toast-bottom-right",
                   "preventDuplicates": false,
                   "showDuration": "700",
                   "hideDuration": "1000",
                   "timeOut": "0",
                   "extendedTimeOut": "0",
                   "showEasing": "swing",
                   "hideEasing": "linear",
                   "showMethod": "fadeIn",
                   "hideMethod": "fadeOut"};
toastr.options.onShown = function() { console.log('hello'); }
toastr.options.onHidden = function() { console.log('goodbye'); }
toastr.options.onclick = function(e) { console.log('clicked');console.log(e); }
toastr.options.onCloseClick = function() { console.log('close button clicked'); }
msg="This is a test<br /><br />"+
    "<button type='button' class='btn clear id=Yes'>Yes</button> "+
    "<button type='button' class='btn clear id=No'>No</button>";
var TOAST=toastr['error'](msg,"Alert");
Go1dExperience commented 2 years ago

In the code it said setting both timeOut and extendedTimeOut to 0 will make the toast sticky. I've tried with timeOut=0 and extendedTimeOut to be any other numbers, and it seems to be working how you want.