Coding-Enthusiast / FinderOuter

Easy to use bitcoin recovery tool to fix damaged private key, mini-private key, address, BIP38 encrypted key, mnemonic (seed phrase), BIP-32 derivation path, Armory backups, recover passwords and more
MIT License
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Example for Binance Smart Chain #31

Open NovytskyiD opened 2 years ago

NovytskyiD commented 2 years ago

Hi. I`m try to find few word of seed for Binance Smart Chain, but it does not work I'm choose Missing Mnemonic with parametrs: Phrase - original leader remove powder trumpet morning amazing trophy fee high Wallet - 0x113EEE4418D83e319526473fe0785acc50D07E09 Path - m'/44'/60'/0'/0

Result - Invalid extra input or input type AddrComp.

What i`m doing wrong?

Coding-Enthusiast commented 2 years ago

FinderOuter does not yet support altcoins.

However I took a quick look at the "Binance Smart Chain" documentation and it seems like it is using the same method as bitcoin to produce "addresses" (HASH160 of compressed public key on same curve ie. secp256k1) it just doesn't encode them using Base58.

Generally speaking for any altcoin that is copying bitcoin you can find a way to use FinderOuter with some workarounds.
In this case if you convert your 160-bit hash to a Base58 address (ie. 12aBsmMJMdYWpEcu1d7YTASj9KdSYUzT5R) it should work.
Your derivation path should also be m/44'/714'/0'/0/0 if the address was the first address your wallet creacted, m/44'/714'/0'/0/1 if it was second and so on. See BIP-44 and SLIP-44 for more information.

PS. I hope the mnemonic you posted here is for testing and not your actual phrase, otherwise you should consider the entire wallet compromised.

NovytskyiD commented 2 years ago

Yeah, im tryed you input data, but it dont find the seed:( image

Coding-Enthusiast commented 2 years ago

Some other variable must be wrong. Either some of the known 10 words or the derivation path or key index.

NovytskyiD commented 2 years ago

Perhaps the problem is that I am using a multi-currency account in Trust Wallet? Here is the full test seed - original leader remove powder trumpet morning amazing trophy fee high winter account I`m tried to use real btc adress bc1qr4qdjux82x6vj4l8w804yt5lcqaj4ptx4m7ggc instead of converted 12aBsmMJMdYWpEcu1d7YTASj9KdSYUzT5R, but have same result

Coding-Enthusiast commented 2 years ago

The Bech32 address (bc1qr4...) is using m/84'/0'/0'/0/0 derivation path which means it is using an entirely different private and public key and consequently a hash than an altcoin's key at a different path such as m/44'/714'/0'/0/0. They can't be "converted".
What I did above was to simply change the encoding of your address from hexadecimal (0x113EEE...) to Base58 (12aBsm...).