CodingTrain / Suggestion-Box

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Coding Challenge: Raytraced 3D renderer #1064

Open liquidev opened 6 years ago

liquidev commented 6 years ago

In that coding challenge you could create a raytracing 3D renderer. I came up with this because of all the NVidia RTX hype and stuff, and thought that maybe it would be a good idea for a coding challenge.

I know this topic may be too broad for a single coding challenge, but it would still be interesting to see you program a simple raytracing 3D renderer!

omiroshn commented 6 years ago

@liquid600pgm hey! You can watch my Path Tracer Project which was written in pure C here -> Or if you wanna watch a real Ray Tracer here is my other project Enjoy :100:

DelSquared commented 6 years ago

Bump for self-interest. It would make a good addition to the Nature of Code series Dan has going on