Codium-ai / codiumai-jetbrains-release

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Codiumate ask throws an error when trying to correct your question. #223

Closed cmrgKoradir closed 2 months ago

cmrgKoradir commented 2 months ago

So I don't know how to add multiple files to Codiumate Chat's context. To get around that, I thought I'd try the only other available mode, Workspace - Committed Changes.

First, Codiumate complained that none of the changes on the current branch, compared to master have anything to do with what I'm asking about. (which is correct), and asked me to provide context.

So I continued the chat and told it to use a certain class and its dependencies as a context.

And then noticed that I accidentally gave it an interface rather than an implementation.

So after Codium described to me what a generic general solution could potentially do to address the issue, I pressed the x on my previous question. This deleted the question but not the answer to it (weird, imho),

and I told it again that the context was the implementation class and its dependencies.

This, however, Codiumate wasn't able to process: image

This is

ArtsiomCh commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting and detailed steps to reproduce! Issue with deleted message cause execution error reproduced and we'll fix it. Adding more context is in our list to implement features. Can't give you exact timeline but it's prioritized. For now you can use that trick with Committed Changes. Also soon (next version) we'll release Local Changes mode, so you'll just need to do some meaningless modification in file (like extra space or empty line) to make Codiumate use it as context.

cmrgKoradir commented 2 months ago

For now you can use that trick with Committed Changes.

@ArtsiomCh actually, I can't. Codiumate will still insist that it would need to see the code for the class I named and just gives me "ah, you would probably find the solution in either that class or its dependencies" and that I should provide more context, which is not very useful :sweat_smile:

I would expect it to know to look at the files containing the class mentioned

ArtsiomCh commented 2 months ago

Files you want be seen as context need be in Committed Changes diff. Unfortunately for now there's no other way to explicitly point Codiumate to the source 😞

ArtsiomCh commented 2 months ago

Option to add Manual context (for Code Block mode) is added in 0.7.34 Hope that will help!