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lisp-binary and ieee-floats in data structures? #481

Closed WillForan closed 6 months ago

WillForan commented 6 months ago

I have a few binary files that don't yet have a dedicated parsing library implemented (NIfTI) or are e.g. a bunch of floats written to a binary file from matlab. is super useful for these. It'd be great to have it listed here!

I also ran into the simpler and the already linked Practical Common Lisp mp3 binary parsing book section

I'm not sure where either would fit. Maybe in data structures or Numerical and Scientific?

lisp-binary's tutorial example reads exif from jpeg. It's not a GUI library (like png) and it is possibly more generic than just numeric & scientific .

vindarel commented 6 months ago

Hi, thanks for the input. lisp-binary even has recent commits and documentation \o/ It looks like a good candidate for inclusion, ieee-floats less so IMO (you could make sur it is present on Cliki though).

There is also the "Text parsers" section (which could be re-titled).

WillForan commented 6 months ago

closing b/c merged! #482 and #483