CollaboratingPlatypus / PetaPoco

Official PetaPoco, A tiny ORM-ish thing for your POCO's
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Support for SAP Anywhere database ? #632

Open sravangontla opened 2 years ago

sravangontla commented 2 years ago

Hi Team, can you please let me know the PetaPoco supports SAP Anywhere ?

note: Inside SAP Anywhere parameterized query use ":" instead of "@" ex : ParameterName = ":Name";

More error details :

Looking for : core SAP SQL Anywhere (database)

Thanks, Sravan G

iadaz commented 2 years ago

I can't help with SAP Anywhere, but I am using PetaPoco with SAP Hana. Although there's no support for it out-of-the-box, it's fairly trivial to create your own database provider to act as the link between PetaPoco and the SAP .net provider. See

sravangontla commented 2 years ago

Thanks for information. Its good to hear that it supports custom-DB, I am looking for the same. I have gone through the above link and its very simple to configure.

Do we have any sample project with custom DB provider using core ?

And it supports any generic way to get the DB result instead of writing SQL queries (ex: get) ?

I am facing issue while implementing custom provider with help of above link, error msg below: Could not match connection to a provider. (Parameter 'type')

Thanks, Sravan G

iadaz commented 2 years ago

Here is an example of how my database provider for SAP Hana is set up:

public class PetaPocoHanaDatabaseNetCoreProvider : DatabaseProvider
        public override DbProviderFactory GetFactory()
                var factory = GetFactory("Sap.Data.Hana.HanaFactory, Sap.Data.Hana.Core.v2.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0326b8ea63db4bc4");
                return factory;
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error("GetFactory failed for 'Sap.Data.Hana, Sap.Data.Hana.Core.v2.1'");
                throw e;

        public override string GetParameterPrefix(string connectionString)
            return ":";

       //other overrides here depending on syntax requirements

You will probably need to override the GetExistsSql() and EscapeSqlIdentifier() methods (etc) depending on what syntax the SAP Anywhere server expects.

You would then create a DatabaseConfiguration with:

   var dbconfig = DatabaseConfiguration.Build()

Connection string should match the format expected by the underlying connector. Then use the dbconfig to open a connection as per the examples.

This will enable you to use PetaPoco's automatic SQL statement generation to fetch, update, etc (based on property attributes).

sravangontla commented 2 years ago

Hi @iadaz Thanks for providing the detail example.

I have implemented same code in my project but got below error for insert into database "Syntax error near ':' on line 1" where as It's working for get call's.

Is there any way to print the insert query which is created by PetaPoco ?

        using (var db = this._dbconfig.Create())
            var res = await db.InsertAsync(entity); 

My code:

    public override DbProviderFactory GetFactory()
        // Need to specify class and assembly of the DbProviderFactory  
        return Sap.Data.SQLAnywhere.SAFactory.Instance; 

    public override string GetParameterPrefix(string connectionString)
        // This database prefixes parameters in SQL statements with : instead of @
        return ":";

I don't find much information specific to custom provider in wiki.. Can you please provide some more info regarding "GetExistsSql() and EscapeSqlIdentifier()" ?

iadaz commented 2 years ago

After an error you can check the LastSQLand LastCommandproperties of the database object to see what was sent to the provider.