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Use slugs to avoid broken links #333

Open tilfischer opened 4 months ago

tilfischer commented 4 months ago

Dear Chemotion Documentation Maintainers,

Here and there, I find broken links to the Chemotion Documenation. An example is the Readme of . We also faced this issues with the NFDI4Chem Knowledge Base and somehow solved this by adding slugs.

I am not the expert who has actually implemented this, but it seems to be built in to Docusaurus. @jliermann : Could you provide guidance?

Best, Tillmann

jliermann commented 4 months ago

Hi @tilfischer ,

what we did for the KB was that every page has a slug which provides a unique routing endpoint, like /pagename. By that, we make sure that internal links persist even if we change the site's hierarchy. It will NOT solve the problem with broken external links. This has to be checked from time to time, for example with a tool like

Best regards, Johannes

harivyasi commented 4 months ago

Thanks @tilfischer for raising the issue and thanks @jliermann for the guidance. As implementing this will require significant time (adding some text to every page), I will do this in the next major revision of the docs. This should happen in next 2-3 months so I will keep the issue open as a reminder till then.

If you think this is urgent, or have a link that needs urgent fixing, do let me know :)