Confuzu / CivitAI-Model-grabber

The Script Downloads in bulk both model(Lora,Lycoris,Embeding etc..) and related images, from a given CivitAI Username
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 4 forks source link

Request - Organization of Previous and Future Releases by Versions #5

Closed ElRandom78 closed 3 months ago

ElRandom78 commented 3 months ago

Hi Confuzu. First of All, Thank you for maintaining updated python code of CivitAI-Model-grabber. It's the best tool ever written in python code, - and I can't stop using it :) - for downloading CIVITAI stuffs 👍 🥇

I write to you for this reason :

If it's possbile , can you re-post previous versions of CIVITAI-model-Grabber please?

It would be TOP if them would be organized by a structured tree, version by version - under "TAGS " , like this: 1.0 1.1 1.2, ecc.. for every release of the code, also for future releases)

So, yeah, not issue, but a personal request.

Confuzu commented 3 months ago

if you want the old version you can check them out on and click on the angle brackets <> to see the old versions

ElRandom78 commented 3 months ago

Thank you!