Web3Signer is an open-source signing service capable of signing on multiple platforms (Ethereum1 and 2, Filecoin) using private keys stored in an external vault, or encrypted on a disk.
Make vertx worker pool size configurable. Web3Signer uses the worker pool for signing requests. Increasing the size of the pool might help if there is a spike in signing requests.
It can be configured by using the hidden option --Xworker-pool-size--vertx-worker-pool-size option.
PR Description
Make vertx worker pool size configurable. Web3Signer uses the worker pool for signing requests. Increasing the size of the pool might help if there is a spike in signing requests.
It can be configured by using the
hidden option --Xworker-pool-size--vertx-worker-pool-size
option.Default is set to the same the default in Vertx which is 20. See https://vertx.io/docs/apidocs/io/vertx/core/VertxOptions.html#DEFAULT_WORKER_POOL_SIZE
Fixed Issue(s)
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