Web3Signer is an open-source signing service capable of signing on multiple platforms (Ethereum1 and 2, Filecoin) using private keys stored in an external vault, or encrypted on a disk.
Update CircleCI dockerScan (trivy) nightly task. Use circleci base image for more up-to-date tools. Scan both amd64 and arm64 variants of web3signer develop tag.
Fixed Issue(s)
[x] I thought about documentation and added the doc-change-required label to this PR if updates are required.
[x] I thought about adding a changelog entry, and added one if I deemed necessary.
[x] I thought about testing these changes in a realistic/non-local environment.
PR Description
Update CircleCI dockerScan (trivy) nightly task. Use circleci base image for more up-to-date tools. Scan both amd64 and arm64 variants of web3signer develop tag.
Fixed Issue(s)
label to this PR if updates are required.Changelog